Consumer law car warranty

  • A manufacturer's warranty is a written assurance to the purchaser of a product, promising to replace or repair it, if necessary, within a specified period.
    You should find out about the terms of this kind of warranty before you buy, particularly if the item you're buying is of significant cost to you.

Should you read a warranty before buying a car?

Whenever there’s a warranty, the law says it must be available for you to read before you buy something

That’s true whether you shop in person, online, or with a catalog

Warranties might cover a lot or a little, so be sure to look into the details

Most major purchases like cars and home appliances come with a written warranty

What are consumer warranty rights?

For example, your consumer guarantee rights may protect you if your car experiences a major failure after a warranty has expired

¡ ¡ Your statutory rights that cannot be replaced, limited or removed by any agreement, contract or warranty, or made subject to non-disclosure conditions

What is a car warranty?

A car warranty is a document that is delivered by the seller to the purchaser of a car at the time of sale; the car warranty is an assurance or type of guarantee that will provide the purchaser a form of repayment or replacement if the vehicle purchased does not perform as expected or fails to properly function

×A car warranty is a form of insurance cover against certain faults the car may develop, over and above your statutory rights. It does not override or replace your rights under the Consumer Rights Act, but it covers a wider range of faults which would not be acceptable reasons for rejecting the car altogether. Having a warranty does not affect your consumer rights, and you could still use the Consumer Rights Act to reject the car and claim a refund, repair or replacement from the dealer that sold it to you.

Overview of the liability of self-driving cars

Increases in the use of autonomous car technologies are causing incremental shifts in the responsibility of driving, with the primary motivation of reducing the frequency of traffic collisions.
Liability for incidents involving self-driving cars is a developing area of law and policy that will determine who is liable when a car causes physical damage to persons or property.
As autonomous cars shift the responsibility of driving from humans to autonomous car technology, there is a need for existing liability laws to evolve to reasonably identify the appropriate remedies for damage and injury.
As higher levels of autonomy are commercially introduced, the insurance industry stands to see higher proportions of commercial and product liability lines, while personal automobile insurance shrinks.


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