Contemporary architecture in india ppt

  • Why modern contemporary architecture?

    Contemporary homes are unique for their incorporation of multiple architectural styles.
    While they feature the minimal adornment, open spaces and large windows of modern homes, they are also characterized by free-form composition not found in modernist architecture..

  • Modern architecture rejects the extra features of traditional architecture and allows its basic structure to speak for itself.
    While this architecture may appear traditional.
    They will always use some form of modern material and interior design.
    Let's compare these designs on different aspects.
  • The vernacular style of architecture refers to the informal building of structures done by local builders using traditional building methods.
    This is one of the most widespread forms of architectural style not only in India but across the globe.

The 'Architect' in Architecture

The ‘architect’ has evidently lost the authorship and exclusivity s/he once possessed—an observation that might be visible not only in India but in the profession worldwide.
Today, the collaborative role of architecture instead rests on developers, clients, various consultants, and foreign firms, somewhere subduing the voice of the architect.


What are the professional bodies of Architects in India?

In addition to certain professional bodies like the Council of Architecture, Indian Institute of Architects and Indian Institute of Interior Designers, a lot of cities have very active architects’ groups who meet, interact, disseminate, and share their views on the profession and issues surrounding it.


Who is the forefather of modern architecture in India?

(1915-1995) • One of the forefathers of Modern Architecture in India • Functionalist Style Of Design Design characteristics:

  • • Asymmetry • Blocky • Cubic shapes •Flat roofs • Smooth
  • flat plain
  • undecorated surfaces IIT Kanpur
  • 1959.
    Ahmedabad Textile Industries Association 12.
    Architects and their Style of different period 13.

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