Contemporary historical geography

  • How does geography matter in the contemporary world?

    Geography can help us understand the planet's movement, changes, and systems.
    Topics that are relevant to today such as climate change, water availability, natural resources, and more are much easier understood by those who know geography well..

  • What is the contemporary geography?

    This put simply, Contemporary geography studies social patterns in comparison to what originally exists.
    It studies changes in landforms, climate, culture, etc.May 27, 2015.

  • What is the difference between historical and contemporary geography?

    Historical geography deals with the geography of an area as it was in the past-like settlements (during Harappa civilization etc.) whereas, contemporary geography deals with the existing patterns of spatial distribution on earth՚s surface..

  • What is the meaning of contemporary geography?

    Contemporary approaches in geography focus on studying human trends in a certain location and solving social issues with the use of geographic trend data.
    Explore the techniques of area, spatial, locational, and geographic systems analysis..

  • What is the meaning of geography in contemporary world?

    Geography is defined as the study of Earth and the forces that shape it, both physical and human.
    More specifically, it is the study of Earth's landscapes, people, places, and environments..

  • What is the meaning of historical geography?

    historical geography, geographic study of a place or region at a specific time or period in the past, or the study of geographic change in a place or region over a period of time..

  • What's contemporary geography?

    This put simply, Contemporary geography studies social patterns in comparison to what originally exists.
    It studies changes in landforms, climate, culture, etc.May 27, 2015.

  • A contemporary issue refers to an issue that is currently affecting people or places and that is unresolved.
    A geographic issue refers to a topic, concern or problem, debate, or controversy related to a natural and/or cultural environment, which includes a spatial dimension.
  • Human geography helps us understand the causes and consequences of global environmental change, such as climate change, deforestation and desertification.
    Human geography provides insights into how human activities are contributing to these changes.
A simple look at their names leads to defining Historical Geography as geography of occurrences in the past and Contemporary geography as the geography of present or current occurrences and patterns.
Contemporary geography deals with the existing patterns of spatial differentiation of phenomena. Contemporary geography will become historical geography with 
The concept of imagined geographies originated from Edward Said, particularly his work on critique on Orientalism.
Imagined geographies refers to the perception of a space created through certain imagery, texts, and/or discourses.
For Said, imagined does not mean to be false or made-up, but rather is used synonymous with perceived.
Despite often being constructed on a national level, imagined geographies also occur domestically in nations and locally within regions, cities, etc.

Historical GIS project

The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) is a historical GIS project to create and freely disseminate a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2010.
The project has created one of the largest collections in the world of statistical census information, much of which was not previously available to the research community because of legacy data formats and differences between metadata formats.
The statistical and geographic data are disseminated free of charge through a sophisticated online data access system.


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