Contemporary church history quarterly

  • What are the major periods of church history?

    Church History in Brief

    The Age of Catholic Christianity (70–312) The Age of the Christian Empire (312–590) The Christian Middle Ages (590–1517) The Age of the Reformation (1517–1648) The Age of Reason and Revival (1648–1789) The Age of Progress (1789–1914) The Age of Ideologies (1914–1990).

  • What is the difference between contemporary and traditional church?

    Contemporary worshippers, for instance, often choose rooms that can be used for multiple purposes; fellowship hall, theatre, gymnasium, and sanctuary all in one.
    By contrast, the buildings of more traditional churches will likely be older and have different spaces for different activities..

  • When was the modern church era?

    Some put it at the Peace of Westphalia (1648).
    Others put it at the time of the French Revolution (1790).
    In terms of historical theology, it makes sense to end the Reformation era with the period of late orthodoxy (1725–90).
    The modern church period would then cover 1790 to the present..

  • Church history or ecclesiastical history as an academic discipline studies the history of Christianity and the way the Christian Church has developed since its inception.
    Henry Melvill Gwatkin defined church history as "the spiritual side of the history of civilized people ever since our Master's coming".
  • In Christian theology, ecclesiology is the study of the Church, the origins of Christianity, its relationship to Jesus, its role in salvation, its polity, its discipline, its eschatology, and its leadership.
Contemporary church history quarterly
Contemporary church history quarterly

American white nationalist magazine

The Occidental Quarterly is an American white nationalist magazine published by the Charles Martel Society.
Its stated purpose is to defend the cultural, ethnic, and racial interests of Western European peoples and examine contemporary political, social,
and demographic trends that impact the posterity of Western Civilization


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