Modern history chapter 1

  • How old is Indian history?

    Eventually, various bands entered India between 75,000 years ago and 35,000 years ago.
    Archaeological evidence has been interpreted to suggest the presence of anatomically modern humans in the Indian subcontinent 78,000–74,000 years ago, although this interpretation is disputed..

  • Modern Indian History Book

    Modern History examines the social, political and economic facts in the modern contemporary world.
    The discipline focuses on main concepts and notions of political history, social and cultural development in the world, in the period between the seventeenth and the twentieth century..

  • What is the timeline of ancient to modern?

    Traditional historical eras of Western Civilization were classified as follows: Ancient History - 3000 B.C.E - 500 C.E.
    Middle Ages - 500 - 1500.
    Modern Age - 1500 - 1945..

  • Archaeological Sources Of Modern Indian History

    Paintings from the colonial period can provide insight into the socioeconomic, political, and cultural life of the time. Forts.
    Forts stand as symbols of military power and control. Colonial Buildings. Coins. Trade Warehouses.
  • Book details

    ISBN-10. 8179308626.ISBN-13. 978-8179308622.Edition. 29th.Publisher.
    Spectrum Books Pvt.
    Ltd.Publication date. 8 September 2023.Language.
    English.Dimensions. 18 x 12 x 4 cm.Print length. 1016 pages.
Jun 24, 2023Sources for the History of Modern India FULL CHAPTER | Spectrum Chapter 1 | Modern
Duration: 43:09
Posted: Jun 24, 2023


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