Modern history questions for competitive exams

  • Which is the best GK website for competitive exams?


  • Who is the father of Indian history?

    In the deep niches in history, few names shine as brightly as that of Megasthenes, a Greek historian and diplomat of the 4th century BCE.
    He is rightly celebrated as the "Father of Indian History" for his remarkable accounts of ancient India, during his tenure as a diplomat in the court of King Chandragupta Maurya..

Are there any history questions and answers for competitive exam?

There are some History Questions and Answers which are frequently asked in many types of competitive exams.
I am providing Latest and most important 50 History Questions and Answers for competitive exam.
These questions are very important and may be asked in competitive exam.
Increase your History Knowledge to practice these questions.


How is the modern history exam structured?

Moving on to section three of the Modern History exam, which focuses on the Peace and Conflict study, and is structured very much in the same way as section two, in that each topic will have an a and a b question choice, and you're only required to respond to one of those.


How should students prepare for the modern history exam?

The marking centre also noted that students should use the reading time effectively to plan their responses and to ensure they answer the questions rather than giving a pre prepared response.
This is particularly important to note and is valid across all sections of the Modern History exam.


Lord Ripon Appointed Hunter Commission For

[A] combating terrorism and other anti-national activities [B] educational reforms in India [C] appointment of Indian Judges in higher judiciary [D] None of the Above Correct Answer: [educational reforms in India]


The Battle of Buxar Was Fought Between British East India Company and

[A] Mir Qasim [B] Saadat Ali Khan II [C] Ali Vardi Khan [D] Siraj ud-Daulah Correct Answer: [Mir Qasim]


The Treaty of Seringapatam Is Associated with Which of The Following Wars?

[A] Second Anglo-Maratha War [B] Third Anglo-Mysore War [C] Third Anglo-Maratha War [D] Fourth Anglo–Mysore War Correct Answer: [Third Anglo-Mysore War]


Treaty of Salbai Is Associated with Which of The Following Wars?

[A] First Anglo–Mysore War [B] First Anglo-Maratha War [C] Second Anglo-Maratha War [D] Second Anglo-Mysore War Correct Answer: [First Anglo-Maratha War]


What are the questions based on in competitive exams?

In the Competitive exams There always the Questions in The General Knowledge section based on History GK, Geography,Polity and Economy.


Which of The Following Is Also Known as Magna Carta of Indian Education?

[A] Wood’s Despatch [B] Sadler Commission [C] Indian Universities Act 1904 [D] Raleigh commission Correct Answer: [Wood’s Despatch]


Which of The Following Statements Is Incorrect About The Poona Pact?

[A] It was the agreement between Jawaharlal Nehru and Dr.
B R.
Ambedkar [B] The depressed classes agreed to adhere to the principle of Joint Electorate [C] Seats were to be allotted to the depressed classes in the provincial legislatures [D] It provided for adequate representation of the depressed classes in the civil services Correct Answer: [It w.


Who Among The Following Was Also Known as Maratha Machiavelli?

[A] Nana Phadnavis [B] Balaji Vishwanath [C] Narayanrao Bajirao [D] Sambhaji Correct Answer: [Nana Phadnavis]


Who Inspired The Young Bengal Movement in The 19th Century?

[A] Ram Tanu Lahiri [B] Henry Vivian Dorozev [C] Rasik Kumar Malik [D] Piyare Chand Mitra Correct Answer: [Henry Vivian Dorozev]


Who Is regarded as “Maker of Modern India”?

[A] M.
Ranade [B] Mahatma Gandhi [C] Keshav Chandra Sen [D] Ram Mohan Roy Correct Answer: [Ram Mohan Roy]


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