Modern history examples

  • What are the examples of early modern history?

    Modern History examines the social, political and economic facts in the modern contemporary world.
    The discipline focuses on main concepts and notions of political history, social and cultural development in the world, in the period between the seventeenth and the twentieth century..

  • What are the examples of modern world history?

    Genetically modified organismsGlobal communication systemsGlobal data connectivityGreater access to food optionsGreater economic stabilityGreater gender equality.

  • What are the examples of modern world history?

    Modern History examines the social, political and economic facts in the modern contemporary world.
    The discipline focuses on main concepts and notions of political history, social and cultural development in the world, in the period between the seventeenth and the twentieth century..

  • What are the examples of modern world history?

    Some of the more notable trends and events of the early modern period included the Reformation and the religious conflicts it provoked (including the French Wars of Religion and the Thirty Years' War), the rise of capitalism and modern nation states, widespread witch hunts and European colonization of the Americas..

  • What is the modern history?

    Some of the more notable trends and events of the early modern period included the Reformation and the religious conflicts it provoked (including the French Wars of Religion and the Thirty Years' War), the rise of capitalism and modern nation states, widespread witch hunts and European colonization of the Americas..

Modern history
  • Industrial Revolution (Europe 18th and 19th centuries)
  • Napoleonic era, 1799–1815.
  • Victorian era (United Kingdom, 1837–1901)
  • Edwardian period (United Kingdom, 1901–1910)
  • Meiji era (Japan, 1868–1912)
  • World War I (Earth, 1914–1918)
  • Interwar period (Earth, 1918–1939*)
  • World War II (Earth, 1939*–1945)

19th Century

The 19th Century is a time in history from 1815 to 1914 During this century, the Spanish, Portuguese, and Ottoman Holy Roman and Mughalempires start to die Following the Napoleonic Wars, the British Empirebecame the world's leading power, controlling one quarter of the World's population and one third of the land area.
It helped trade, and battled .


Industrial Revolution

This period saw advances in industrial technology.
Industries were beginning to makeclothes, armaments, and other useful tools people need.
This industrial revolution began the modern world as we know it.
1) Inventions of the Steam engine (1764) and Spinning Jenny (1769), one of the peak events influencing Romanticism.
2) Rejection of monarchy and .


Late 15th to Early 18th Century

This period is also called the early modern period.
This time was a time where the Europeans found the New world and began colonizing it.
It also saw trade with China and other Eastern Asian cultures..
1) Discovery of America (1492): Age of Discovery..
2) Gutenberg's moveable type printing press (1450s): information age and newspapers.
Within the ear.


What are the 5 major eras in history?

They use these resources to divide human existence into five main historical eras:

  • Prehistory
  • Classical
  • Middle Ages
  • Early Modern
  • and Modern eras.
    Keep reading to learn the main civilizations, technological achievements, important historical figures, and significant events during these major time periods in history.
  • ,

    What is a modern era?

    The modern era [a] is the period of human history that s쳮ds the Middle Ages (which ended around 1500 AD) up to the present.
    This terminology is a historical periodization that is applied primarily to European and Western history .


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