Contemporary literature german

  • Best modern German novels

    Generally, Contemporary literature refers to works of prose, poetry, and drama published since 1945.
    Precisely, it refers to postmodernism and what has come afterward.
    Contemporary literature reflets social and political viewpoints..

  • German literature examples

    Contemporary literature features a somewhat modern narrative, but it also contains a harsher reality.
    Contemporary written works tend to be influenced by the prosperous lifestyle that followed WWII, but this literary class is rooted in the devastation that war brought to the world..

  • German novelists


    Empfindsamkeit / Sensibility (1750s–1770s)Sturm und Drang / Storm and Stress (1760s–1780s)German Classicism (1729–1832) German Romanticism (1790s–1880s)Biedermeier (1815–1848)Young Germany (1830–1850)Poetic Realism (1848–1890)Naturalism (1880–1900).

  • How would you describe German literature?

    German literature is rich in beautifully crafted stories, especially from the eras of Sturm und Drang, Romanticism, and Realism.
    Certain German books are an excellent introduction not only to German literature but to German culture and the history of Germany too..

  • What are the three periods of German literature?

    Nevertheless, German literature has experienced three periods of established greatness: the high Middle Ages (c. 1160–c. 1230), the turn of the 18th to the 19th century (the “age of Goethe”), and the turn of the 19th to the 20th.
    This article provides a concise historical survey of German literature..

  • What is an example of German literature?

    Many of the most famous works of literature to emerge from Germany, such as All Quiet on the Western Front, The Never-ending Story and The Sorrows of Young Werther, have all been translated into English..

  • What is postmodernism in German literature?

    In the last decades of the 20th century, German literature was influenced by international postmodernism, a movement that combined heterogeneous elements in order to appeal simultaneously to a popular and a more sophisticated readership..

  • What makes German literature unique?

    German literature is rich in beautifully crafted stories, especially from the eras of Sturm und Drang, Romanticism, and Realism.
    Certain German books are an excellent introduction not only to German literature but to German culture and the history of Germany too..

  • Why is it important to read contemporary literature?

    Contemporary literature is important because it reflects the present values and beliefs of society, which are always changing, sometimes confusing, and important to understand..

May 10, 2023Contemporary German literature: creative and politically relevant Poco.lit is an online magazine in German and English that shines a light on 
May 10, 2023Poco.lit is an online magazine in German and English that shines a light on postcolonial literature. In this article, poco.lit co-founder 

How long did German literature last?

It seems worth noting that the periods of medieval German literature span two or three centuries, those of early modern German literature span one century, and those of modern German literature each span one or two decades.
The closer one nears the present, the more debated the periodizations become.


What is a German novel?

Novels or novellas from German, Austrian or Swiss authors, first published in German, which have an English translantion.
Only modern literature, published after 1980. saving… Error rating book.
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What is modern German literature studies (NDL)?

Modern German Literature Studies (NDL) works in close dialogue with the other disciplines of the Institute for Literature Studies, and deals with literary texts, principally in the German language, as well as with media, representations and interpretations relating to literature.


Who started modern literature in Germany?

Modern literature in German begins with the authors of the Enlightenment (such as:

  • Herder ).
    The Sensibility movement of the 1750s–1770s ended with Goethe 's best-selling The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774).
    The Sturm und Drang and Weimar Classicism movements were led by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller.

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