Contemporary norwegian literature

  • Books by Norwegian authors

    Norwegian Wood is set in Japan during the late 1960s/early 1970s, and follows a young man named Toru Watanabe, a university student living in Tokyo following the suicide of his only friend in high school, Kizuki.
    Another prominent character throughout the novel is Naoko, Kizuki's girlfriend..

  • Contemporary Norwegian literature

    Norwegian literature is literature composed in Norway or by Norwegian people.
    The history of Norwegian literature starts with the pagan Eddaic poems and skaldic verse of the 9th and 10th centuries with poets such as Bragi Boddason and Eyvindr Sk\xe1ldaspillir..

  • Current Norwegian authors

    Norwegian Wood is set in Japan during the late 1960s/early 1970s, and follows a young man named Toru Watanabe, a university student living in Tokyo following the suicide of his only friend in high school, Kizuki.
    Another prominent character throughout the novel is Naoko, Kizuki's girlfriend..

  • What famous author comes from Norway?

    Henrik Ibsen might be Norway's most popular author.
    The Norwegian playwright and author, born in 1828, wrote a number of popular plays including Brand, Peer Gynt, An Enemy of the People, Emperor and Galilean, A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, When We Dead Awaken, Rosmersholm, and The Master Builder..

  • What is literature written in Norway or by Norwegians called?

    Norwegian literature is literature composed in Norway or by Norwegian people.
    The history of Norwegian literature starts with the pagan Eddaic poems and skaldic verse of the 9th and 10th centuries with poets such as Bragi Boddason and Eyvindr Sk\xe1ldaspillir..

  • What is Norway literature?

    Norwegian literature is literature composed in Norway or by Norwegian people.
    The history of Norwegian literature starts with the pagan Eddaic poems and skaldic verse of the 9th and 10th centuries with poets such as Bragi Boddason and Eyvindr Sk\xe1ldaspillir..

  • What is Norwegian book about?

    Norwegian Wood is set in Japan during the late 1960s/early 1970s, and follows a young man named Toru Watanabe, a university student living in Tokyo following the suicide of his only friend in high school, Kizuki.
    Another prominent character throughout the novel is Naoko, Kizuki's girlfriend..

  • What is the oldest Norwegian literature?

    Medieval poetry
    The earliest preserved examples of Old Norse literature are the Eddic poems, the oldest of which may have been composed in early 9th century Norway drawing on the common Germanic tradition of alliterative verse..

  • Who is Norway's most famous writer?

    Henrik Ibsen might be Norway's most popular author.
    The Norwegian playwright and author, born in 1828, wrote a number of popular plays including Brand, Peer Gynt, An Enemy of the People, Emperor and Galilean, A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, When We Dead Awaken, Rosmersholm, and The Master Builder..

  • Who is the father of Norwegian literature?

    Henrik Wergeland is generally recognized as the father of a modern Norwegian literature.
    The enthusiastic nationalism of Wergeland and his young following brought conflict with the establishment, which was unwilling to accept everything as good, simply because it was Norwegian..

Jul 5, 2023Ankomst by Gøhril GabrielsenParadise Rot by Jenny HvalThe Bird Tribunal by Agnes RavatnThe History of Bees by Maja LundeThe Ice Palace  Essential Norwegian NovelsThe Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas
Spanish readers are attracted to contemporary Norwegian literature by the blurred boundaries between fact and fiction, the unadorned prose, and the critical 

What is a good book to read in Norway?

One of the best modern Norwegian novels, and an essential read.
The History of Bees has been compared to the works of Kazuo Ishiguro and Emily St John Mandel, and for good reason.
In terms of theme and scope, Maja Lunde’s novel certainly reaches those heights.


What is Norwegian literature?

Norwegian literature is literature composed in Norway or by Norwegian people.
The history of Norwegian literature starts with the pagan Eddaic poems and skaldic verse of the 9th and 10th centuries with poets such as:

  • Bragi Boddason and Eyvindr Skáldaspillir.
  • ,

    What is the best contemporary Scandinavian literature?

    Here are our recommendations for the best in contemporary Scandinavian literature:

  • Welcome to America by Lina Boström Knausgård
  • originally published in 2016
  • is an exquisite portrait of a sensitive child
  • Ellen (also the narrator)
  • who may never talk again.
  • ,

    Who invented modernist literature in Norway?

    Modernist literature was introduced to Norway through the literature of Knut Hamsun and Sigbjørn Obstfelder in the 1890s.
    In the 1930s Emil Boyson, Gunnar Larsen, Haakon Bugge Mahrt, Rolf Stenersen and Edith Øberg were among the Norwegian authors who experimented with prose modernism.

    King of Norway

    Magnus Haraldsson was King of Norway from 1066 to 1069, jointly with his brother Olaf Kyrre from 1067.
    He was not included in official Norwegian regnal lists until modern times, but has since been counted as Magnus II.


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