Contemporary fiction writing prompts

  • How do you write a fiction prompt?

    Write What You Know.
    Begin with something familiar from your own life—such as a past event, something you know how to do, a character inspired by someone you know, or a place from your life—and put it in a fictionalized scene or story..

  • What are some cool writing prompts?

    Fiction Prompts - Ideas for Stories

    a hitchhiker, an allergy, and a mistake in a map.a cemetery, a missing dog, and a joke that goes too far.a Halloween costume, a stapler, and a complaint between neighbors.a stolen phone, a love song, and a bet.a dance competition, an engagement ring, and a worried parent..

  • What are some cool writing prompts?

    Growing Up – Some of the best realistic fiction is about changing from childhood to adulthood, or from adulthood to old age.
    Life Changes – From divorce and sickness to getting fired and learning to truly live, life changes have made for many a great story in this literary genre.Dec 20, 2022.

  • What are some fictional writing prompts?

    Authors set these works in the present moment and use strict attention to real life—rather than fantasy, sci-fi, or other speculative modes—to tell the story (also called “realistic fiction”)..

  • What are some fictional writing prompts?

    Growing Up – Some of the best realistic fiction is about changing from childhood to adulthood, or from adulthood to old age.
    Life Changes – From divorce and sickness to getting fired and learning to truly live, life changes have made for many a great story in this literary genre.Dec 20, 2022.

  • What if fiction writing prompts?

    Story Prompt: What if a little boy could see dead people when nobody else could? Story Prompt: What if the world we live in is actually a computer simulation? Story Prompt: What if the males in a family could travel back in time to right their own wrongs, have greater success, or visit with lost loved ones?.

  • What is the setting of contemporary fiction?

    20 fun writing prompts

    1 Write about a song and a feeling it invoked in you.
    1. Recall an important memory from your childhood and tell it from the perspective of someone else who was present
    2. Write about an item you have that isn't expensive but means a lot to you
    3. What color do you feel like today and why?

  • Authors set these works in the present moment and use strict attention to real life—rather than fantasy, sci-fi, or other speculative modes—to tell the story (also called “realistic fiction”).
Contemporary Prompts
  • Write an adaptation of your favorite classic tale set in the town you grew up in.
  • Two best friends go on a road trip and encounter a problem they never expected.
  • An adopted orphan goes on a journey to reconnect with her birth family.

Can creative writing prompts help a fiction writer?

That's how creative writing prompts can help—especially for a fiction writer.
Writing prompts give you the story ideas so that you're left with the time and energy to bring those stories and characters from your own imagination to vivid life.


How many creative writing prompts are there?

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine.
As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals.
Feel free to filter through different genres, which include..


What are the different types of fiction writing prompts?

These fiction writing prompts are categorized based on genre, so you'll find topics for horror or thriller stories, romance writing prompts, historical fiction topics, Sci-Fi and fantasy prompts, and story starters.


What are writing prompts?

Writing prompts are story-starters that are used as a guided learning or creativity exercise to help writers get started with a new idea or story.

Contemporary fiction writing prompts
Contemporary fiction writing prompts
LGBT themes in speculative fiction include lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) themes in science fiction, fantasy, horror fiction and related genres.
Such elements may include an LGBT character as the protagonist or a major character, or explorations of sexuality or gender that deviate from the heteronormative.


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