Current literature data

  • How do you Analyse data from a literature review?

    Analyze Results

    1. Analysis requires that you have an approach or a point of view to evaluate the material you found
    2. Are there gaps in the literature?
    3. Where has significant research taken place, and who has done it?
    4. Is there consensus or debate on this topic?
    5. Which methodological approaches work best?

  • How do you collect data for a literature review?

    Choose databases and conduct the search

    1. Conduct searches in the published literature via the identified databases
    2. Check to see if this topic has been covered in other discipline's databases

  • How do you review current literature?

    While this is a vague definition, there is not a clear-cut explanation of this concept -- only interpretation by scholars and academics.
    While there is some disagreement, most agree that contemporary literature is writing completed after 1940..

  • What is considered current literature?

    Literature reviews allow you to gain familiarity with the current knowledge in your chosen field, as well as the boundaries and limitations of that field.
    Literature reviews also help you to gain an understanding of the theory(ies) driving the field, allowing you to place your research question into context..

  • What is data analysis in literature?

    Data analysis of literary texts requires the researcher to develop questions that require deeper exploration.
    It helps identify the key characters, the language used, and the special style of writing..

  • What is data in literature?

    The word data refers to a body of information.
    This body of information can be extracted from many sources such as words, numbers, images, hyperlinks, audio, and video.
    Therefore, the information that the literature reviewer collects to inform a literature review represents data..

  • What is the literature review of data collection in research?

    The literature review involves an extensive study of research publications, books and other documents related to the defined problem.
    The study is important because it advises you, as a researcher, whether the problem you identified has already been solved by other researchers..

  • What type of data is literature?

    The Literature refers to the collection of scholarly writings on a topic.
    This includes peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations and conference papers..

  • Why use current literature in research?

    Where to search when doing a literature review

    1. Start with research databases.
    2. Scopus and Web of Science are good databases to start with for any research topic and literature review.
    3. Focus your search with specific databases
    4. Find books, theses and more

  • Among other methods, literature reviews are essential for: (a) identifying what has been written on a subject or topic; (b) determining the extent to which a specific research area reveals any interpretable trends or patterns; (c) aggregating empirical findings related to a narrow research question to support evidence-
  • Data analysis is the most crucial part of any research.
    Data analysis summarizes collected data.
    It involves the interpretation of data gathered through the use of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends.
The model was developed through a systematic literature review (SLR). The findings revealed that data challenges relate to designing an optimal architecture for 
The paper highlight that process challenges relate to all the activities in the data lifecycle such as data acquisition and warehousing; data mining and 

Boolean Operators

To make the search more precise, we can use boolean operators in databases between our keywords.
We use boolean operators to focus on a topic, particularly when this topic contains multiple search terms, and to connect various pieces of information in order to find exactly what we are looking for.
Boolean operators connect the search words to eithe.


Cochrane Central

The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a database of reports of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials.
Most records are obtained from the bibliographic databases PubMed and Embase, with additional records from the published and unpublished sources of CINAHL,, and the WHO’s International Clinic.



Embaseis considered the second most popular database after MEDLINE.
More than 32 million records from over 8,200 journals from more than 95 countries, and ‘grey literature’ from over 2.4 million conference abstracts, are estimated to be in the Embase content.
Embase contains subtopics in health care such as complementary and alternative medicine, p.



The most important index of the technical-scientific literature in Latin America and the Caribbean, LILACS, was created in 1985 to record scientific and technical production in health.
It has been maintained and updated by a network of more than 600 institutions of education, government, and health research and coordinated by Latin America and Cari.



PubMedwas launched in 1996 and, since June 1997, provides free and unlimited access for all users through the internet. PubMed database contains more than 30 million references of biomedical literature from approximately 7,000 journals.
The largest percentage of records in PubMed comes from MEDLINE (95%), which contains 25 million records from over.



ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s most important peer-reviewed academic literature platform.
It was launched in 1997 and contains 16 million records from over 2,500 journals, including over 250 Open Access publications, such as Cell Reports and The Lancet Global Health, as well as 39,000 eBooks.
ScienceDirect topics include: 1. health sciences; 2. life s.


What is the next step in a literature review?

Searching the extant literature:

  • The next step consists of searching the literature and making decisions about the suitability of material to be considered in the review ( Cooper
  • 1988 ).
    There exist three main coverage strategies.

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