Current literature search

  • How do you present a literature search?

    While this is a vague definition, there is not a clear-cut explanation of this concept -- only interpretation by scholars and academics.
    While there is some disagreement, most agree that contemporary literature is writing completed after 1940..

  • What is the literature search?

    Literature search is a systematic and well-organised search from the already published data to identify a breadth of good quality references on a specific topic..

  • Survey the literature and select the most important contributions on your topic.
    Critically evaluate the literature to identify key developments, trends, issues, gaps in knowledge.
    Present your findings in a clear and coherent manner.
Literature search is a key step in performing good authentic research. It helps in formulating a research question and planning the study.
Literature search is a systematic and well-organised search from the already published data to identify a breadth of good quality references on a specific topic 

Boolean Operators

To make the search more precise, we can use boolean operators in databases between our keywords.
We use boolean operators to focus on a topic, particularly when this topic contains multiple search terms, and to connect various pieces of information in order to find exactly what we are looking for.
Boolean operators connect the search words to eithe.


How do you conduct a literature review?

Conducting a literature review involves web-based search engines, i.e., Google, Google Scholar, etc., [ Table 2 ], or using various electronic research databases to identify materials that describe the research topic or those homologous to it. [ 13, 14] .


How to conduct a literature search?

The first step in conducting a literature search should be to develop a search strategy.
The search strategy should define how relevant literature will be identified.
It should identify sources to be searched (list of databases and trial registries) and keywords used in the literature (list of keywords).



PubMedwas launched in 1996 and, since June 1997, provides free and unlimited access for all users through the internet.
PubMed database contains more than 30 million references of biomedical literature from approximately 7,000 journals.
The largest percentage of records in PubMed comes from MEDLINE (95%), which contains 25 million records from over.



ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s most important peer-reviewed academic literature platform.
It was launched in 1997 and contains 16 million records from over 2,500 journals, including over 250 Open Access publications, such as Cell Reports and The Lancet Global Health, as well as 39,000 eBooks. ScienceDirect topics include: 1. health sciences; 2. life s.


What are the two main biomedical literature databases?

MEDLINE and Embase are the two main biomedical literature databases.
MEDLINE contains more than 22 million references from more than 5600 journals worldwide.
In addition, the MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations database holds references before they are published on MEDLINE.


What databases are available for literature search?

The various databases available for literature search include:

  • databases for original published articles in the journals [ Table 2] and evidence-based databases for integrated information available as systematic reviews and abstracts [ Table 3 ]. [ 12, 14] Most of these are not freely available to the individual user.

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