Contract law articles

  • Parts of contract

    A valid contract is a legally binding agreement and is enforceable in court by and against the contracting parties.
    In order for a contract to be valid, there must be an offer, an acceptance of the offer, an exchange between the parties of something of value, and an agreement to the terms..

A comprehensive overview of contract law, written by William Markham, a Harvard-trained attorney in active practice for 35 years.
The main articles that deal with the law of contracts are Article 1 (General Provisions) and Article 2 (Sales). Sections of Article 9 (Secured Transactions) 

How are contracts governed?

Contracts are mainly governed by state statutory and common (judge-made) law and private law (i

e the private agreement)

Private law principally includes the terms of the agreement between the parties who are exchanging promises

This private law may override many of the rules otherwise established by state law

Is contract law a product of a business civilization?

Contract law is the product of a business civilization

It will not be found, in any significant degree, in noncommercial societies

Most primitive societies have other ways of enforcing the commitments of individuals; for example, through ties of kinship or by the authority of religion

What is contract law?

Learn about contracts in this online course from Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, one of the world's leading authorities on contract law

Start Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract today

Contracts are promises that the law will enforce

But when will the law refuse to honor a promise?

The Uniform Commercial Code, whose original articles have been adopted in nearly every state, represents a body of statutory law that governs important categories of contracts. The main articles that deal with the law of contracts are Article 1 (General Provisions) and Article 2 (Sales).


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