Contract law of the people's republic of china

  • What are the different types of contracts in China?

    Types of Employment Contracts in China
    There are three types of employment contract terms: fixed-term employment contract, non-fixed-term employment contract, and project-based employment contract when the term is based on the completion of a specific number of tasks..

  • What is the contract Act in China?

    The main purpose of the law is stated in Article 1: "This Law is enacted for the purpose of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to contracts, maintaining the socio-economic order and promoting the socialist modernization.".

  • What is the guarantee law of the People's Republic of China?

    This Law is formulated for the purpose of promoting the capital flow and commodity circulation, safeguarding the realization of obligatory right, and developing the socialist market economy..

  • What is the Labour contract law in China?

    A labour contract once concluded in accordance with the law shall be legally binding.
    The parties must fulfill the obligations stipulated in the labour contract. (.

    1. Labour contracts concluded by means of fraud or intimidation, etc.
    2. An invalid labour contract shall have no legal effect from the time of its conclusion.

  • What is the law of the People's Republic of China?

    The Law of the People's Republic of China, officially referred to as the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, is the legal regime of China, with the separate legal traditions and systems of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau..

  • Chinese law is one of the oldest legal traditions in the world.
    The core of modern Chinese law is based on Germanic-style civil law, socialist law, and traditional Chinese approaches.
  • There are three major principles/policies, namely, those of freedom of contract (hetongziyou), good faith (chengxin), and the fostering of transactions (guli jiaoyi), that have been conscientiously followed by the law's drafters5 and that have been essentially embodied in the law's final formulation.
Mar 1, 2023Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, a contract means an agreement on the establishment, alteration or termination of a civil right-obligation 
The Contract Law of the People's Republic of China was a law in the PRC that came into force on October 1, 1999 and was abolished on Jan 1, 2021 with the enforcement of Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. It is the main source of contract law in the PRC.
The Contract Law of the People's Republic of China was a law in the PRC that came into force on October 1, 1999 and was abolished on Jan 1, 2021 with the enforcement of Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. It is the main source of contract law in the PRC.


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