Contract law words

  • What are defining words in a contract?

    Defining a term gives that word or phrase a particular, special meaning within the context of the legal document, and not the meaning that would be used in everyday language.
    This happens mostly to general words when we want to narrow the range of its meaning..

  • What are the terms used in a contract?

    Contractual terms are defined as conditions, warranties or innominate terms.
    This may be specified in the contract, implied by the nature of it, or implied by law..

  • What contract is formed by words?

    An implied contract is a legal obligation created by words, actions, or circumstances..

  • What is the vocabulary of contract?

    Legal wording for contracts is the language used to describe the legal obligations agreed upon between the parties partaking in a contract.
    A contract is an oral or written agreement between multiple parties to trade items, services, or ideas of value that is enforceable by a court..

ContractsAcceptanceAccommodationAccord and SatisfactionAcknowledgementAcquiescenceAgreement of SaleAleatory ContractAmendAn agreementĀ  Contract FormationContract EnforcementIllegal ContractAleatory Contract


A contract addendumadds new terms to an existing contract, while still keeping all the original terms in place.


Any type of understanding or arrangement reached between two or more parties, whether in writing or not. An agreement isn’t legally binding though – a …

Alternative Dispute Resolution

A way to resolve a contractual disputewithout going to court e.g. by mediation or arbitration. Some contracts contain a clause saying that if there’s a problem…


Changes to a contractthat are made after it’s signed. These are almost always done in writing, and must be agreed and signed by all parties.


Appendices usually appear at the end of a contract. They don’t change or affect the contract’s terms in any way – they just add extra information about it that …

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow is a process that allows legal teams to let business users work on their own contracts, usually from a template, but with safeguard…


A form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve contract disputes without going to court, using an independent tribunal. Some contracts includ…


Also called “novation”, this is when a party to a contract transfers their rights, obligations, or liabilities to someone else who wasn’t invol…

Authorised Signatory

The authorised signatory is the individual or individuals empowered to sign legally binding contracts on the company's behalf. In early-stag…

5 Common Terms in Legal Contracts

  • 1. Substance The substance of individual legal contracts will widely differ. ...
  • 2. Consideration Consideration is one of the essential requirements for a legally valid contract. ...

Glossary of commonly used phrases in contract law

  • Acceptance of goods/services As soon as goods/services have been delivered, any problems should be notified to the supplier immediately. ...
More itemsA list of legally binding contract terms contains important provisions commonly found in contracts, which may include any of the following: Identity of the parties Purpose of the agreement Contractual terms


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