Contract law doctrine of reasonable expectations

  • What is a reasonable expectation in contract law?

    Under this so-called Reasonable Expectation Doctrine, a contract term is not enforced if one party has reason to believe the other party would not have agreed to a provision had they known it was in the agreement.Jun 7, 2016.

  • What is a reasonable expectation?

    A "reasonable expectation" can refer to what one has good grounds to think will be done or to what one has good grounds to think ought to be done..

  • What is contra Proferentem in contract law?

    The phrase contra proferentem in Latin translates to against the offeror which can be further interpreted to "guilt of the drafter." Overall, the contra proferentem rule is known for placing fault on the party who created or requested that an ambiguous clause be included..

  • What is the reasonable expectations principle?

    In most states, these tools include the “reasonable expectations doctrine.” This doctrine states that the policyholder's reasonable expectations regarding the nature, terms, and scope of the coverage should be honored, even in cases when a careful review of the policy language would negate that expectation..

The reasonable expectations doctrine is a legal concept of policy interpretation recognized by some states. Courts applying this doctrine will interpret a policy to provide the protection an insured party might reasonably have expected, even if the policy wording does not provide that coverage.
The reasonable expectations doctrine is a legal concept of policy interpretation recognized by some states. Courts applying this doctrine will interpret a policy to provide the protection an insured party might reasonably have expected, even if the policy wording does not provide that coverage.

How does contract law protect reasonable expectations?

GOOD FAITH REVISITED The fundamental principle of contract law is the protection of reasonable expectations

To protect reasonable expectations, court begins with the parties’ expressions, situates those expressions in a context, and applies norms arising from the context and from external sources to determine the extent of liability

What is the doctrine of reasonable expectations?

The doctrine of reasonable expectations is a principle that relies on the objectively "reasonable expectations of the insured" as a guide in insurance contract interpretation

Under the doctrine of reasonable expectations, courts often grant coverage to an insured even when the express language of the policy does not provide coverage


What is the main purpose of contract law?

Begin at the beginning

Corbin entitled the first section of his treatise “The Main Purpose of Contract Law Is the Realization of Reasonable Expectations Induced by Promises

”50 Therefore, like everything else in contract law, the obligation of good faith arises from reasonable expectations

×The doctrine of reasonable expectations is a principle in contract law that states that a party who adheres to the other party’s standard terms does not assent to the terms if the other party has reason to believe that the adhering party would not have accepted the agreement if he had known that the agreement contained the particular term. The principle dictates that the policyholder’s expectations should be honored, “as long as they are objectively reasonable from the layman’s point of view”. Most cases involving the reasonable expectations doctrine arise in one or more of three basic contexts.,The d octrine of reasonable expectations states that a party who adheres to the other party’s standard terms does not assent to the terms if the other party has reason to believe that the adhering party would not have accepted the agreement if he had known that the agreement contained the particular term.The principle dictates that the policyholder’s expectations should be honored, “as long as they are objectively reasonable from the layman’s point of view, in spite of the fact that had he made a painstaking study of the contract, he would have understood the limitation that defeats the expectations at issue.”1

Most cases involving the reasonable expectations doctrine arise in one or more of three basic contexts: (1) ambiguity in the terms of a policy, either generally or within the framework of a policy exclusion; (2) policy exclusions that undermine the insured’s reasonable expectations of coverage; and (3) situations where, by virtue of the policy being a contract of adhesion, the insurer in essence took advantage of the insured by...


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