Policy provisions and contract law quizlet

  • What are provisions of the law of contract?

    A contract provision is a stipulation within a contract, legal document, or a law.
    A contract provision often requires action by a specific date or within a specified period of time.
    Contract provisions are intended to protect the interests of one or both parties in a contract..

  • What are the provisions found in insurance policies?

    Policy provisions are clauses in an insurance contract that lay out the exact conditions for which coverage is provided and for what amounts, along with exclusions and other restrictions..

  • What is the purpose of the contract law quizlet?

    The primary purpose of contract law, he contends, is to enforce the agreement of the parties.
    For there to be a contract, substantial agreement must exist and the parties must have freely intended to be legally bound.
    In interpreting contracts, courts are primarily trying to carry out the intent of the parties..

  • Which of the following is a purpose of the entire contract provision?

    What is the primary purpose of the entire contract provision in a life insurance policy? The primary purpose of the entire contract clause is to make sure that the policyholder has all documents pertaining to the policy in their possession..

  • Ambiguity - when a provision is accidentally unclear.
    This occurs when parties think only about what they want a provision to mean without considering the literal meaning or the other side's perspective.
    For example, "Employee agrees not to work for a competitor for a period of three years from employment".
  • An insurance policy is a legal contract between the insurance company (the insurer) and the person(s), business, or entity being insured (the insured).

What are the provisions of a contract of insurance?

Section 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Notion Article 994 By a contract of insurance a negotiator of insurance shall assume the obligation to pay a specific amount to an insurance organization (insurer), while the organization shall assume the obligation, should an event take place which represents the case covered by insurance,

What is a governing law provision in a contract?

By including a governing law provision in the contract, the parties agree on this choice ahead of time

Depending on the nature of the dispute, the law of some states may favor one party or the other

For example, some states’ laws favor business interests over consumers’ interests

What is a policy contract?

Policy Contract This Policy, the Certificate of Insurance and any endorsements thereof shall constitute the entire contract of insurance

No change to the terms and conditions of this Policy shall be valid unless approved in writing by Us and such approval shall be endorsed hereon


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