Contract law can be classified as

  • Essential elements of a valid contract

    A contract is legally enforceable as it meets the requirements and confirmation or approval of the law.
    A contract can either be written or oral.
    However, oral contracts are challenging and it should be avoided if possible.
    Contacts are classified into three different types on the basis of their formation..

  • How do you classify terms of a contract?

    Typically, contract terms can be defined into three categories: conditions, warranties, or innominate terms..

  • What are the classification of contract law?

    Contract classified according to formation: (.

    1. Express Contract: Express Contract is one which is made by words spoken or written
    2. . (.
    3. Implied Contract: Where the proposal or acceptance is made other wise than in words, it is an implied contract

In general, contracts are classified along four different dimensions: explicitness, mutuality, enforceability, and degree of completion. Explicitness is the degree to which the agreement is manifest to those not party to it. Mutuality takes into account whether promises are given by two parties or only one.

Is a contract legally enforceable?

A contract is legally defined as a legally enforceable promise although they can be classified in many different ways.
A contract can be:

  • Unilateral — where it is a promise made by one party to another.
    Bilateral — where promises are made by and between more than one party on one or both sides.
  • ,

    What are the different types of contracts?

    Contracts can also be classified as express — a promise that is made explicitly or implied — which means that the promise can be informed by one's action or conduct.
    Another type of contract is referred to as a quasi-contract, which can be a contract that is implied in law and can be created by courts in regards to interests of justice.


    What is a contract law?

    A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more individuals or parties who share mutual obligations.
    Contract law is therefore, the scope of law that regulates and enforces certain obligations attached to a contractual agreement.

    The nexus of contracts theory is an idea put forth by a number of economists and legal commentators which asserts that corporations are nothing more than a collection of contracts between different parties – primarily shareholders, directors, employees, suppliers, and customers.
    Proponents of this theory contend that all disputes about the obligations of a particular corporation should be settled by resort to the methods used to interpret contracts, and that courts should not imply the existence of fiduciary duties on behalf of corporate officers and directors.
    Alternatively, the nexus of contracts theory can also be viewed as a method of enhancing corporate plausible deniability, insofar as it is a way of passing the buck down a chain of contractual obligations and losing all semblance of responsibility in the nexus. This can pose a practical loophole for corporate entities, a theoretical strength for those wishing to forward corporate ideology, and a legal problem for those who wish to take corporate entities to court.
    Another strength of this theory of the firm is a firm begins to transcend border and defy simple classification when it is really intertwined by its contracts into a number of different countries and with a number of different stakeholders.
    For example, can General Motors be classified as strictly a U.S. company if it has contractual obligations with workings in China, customers in Europe, or stock investors in Canada?


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