Contracts law school reddit

  • What are the 4 requirements for a valid contract?

    But for an agreement to be legally valid and enforceable, several elements must be fulfilled: Legality, Capacity, Offer, Consideration, Intention, Certainty, and Acceptance..

  • What are the 7 characteristics of a contract?

    The law of contract is the most important part of mercantile law in India.
    It determines the circumstances in which the promise made by the parties to a contract shall be binding on them and provides for the remedies available against a person who fails to perform his promise..

How will the learning contract be rated?

The contract will be rated with regards to depth and practicality of the selected goals and activities.
Comments for modification of the contract will be requested and the contract revised until all agree on its validity.
Advising faculty member:

  • The learning contract is valid.
  • ,

    Is Reddit good for law school applications?

    However, if you are seeking advice on your law school applications, then Law School Admissions Reddit can be an excellent resource.
    It can also be a little draining because people will be ahead of you in the process and doing more than you.
    Which might make you feel like you aren't doing enough.


    What do you think about smart contracts in law?

    Or they see it as a mechanism to ensure that people either perform or pay some sort of damages.
    If you think of contract law in this way, as just a mechanism to ensure a certain kind of result, then smart contracts will look like they can serve this function and maybe serve it more efficiently.


    What will I learn in the contract law course?

    We will focus on problems of contract formation, enforceability, interpretation, performance and excuses for non-performance, and remedies for breach.
    The course will cover both the U.S. common law of contracts and the basics of UCC Article 2 (sales of goods).
    Not open to JD students.
    Open only to students in the SLS Advanced Degree Programs.


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