Contract law of malaysia

  • What is specific performance of contract in Malaysia?

    Specific Performance means, 'a decree issued by the court that the defendant shall actually perform and carry out the promise that he has made, or the obligation, expressly or impliedly, cast upon him by the conduct between the parties'..

  • Jurisdiction / Tag(s): Malaysian law.
    The law of agency is when an agent is authorized to act on the behalf of the principal and to create a legal relationship with a third party.
    An agent is a person employed by principal in dealings and act on the behalf of principal with third persons.
  • Section 75 of the Contracts Act provides as follows: 'When a contract has been broken, if a sum is named in the contract as the amount to be paid in case of such breach, or if the contract contains any other stipulation by way of penalty, the party complaining of the breach is entitled, whether or not actual damage or


As a general proposition of law, the acceptance of the offer made by one party by the other party is what creates the contract.
This acceptance, as a general rule, cannot be withdrawn, nor can it vary the terms of the offer, or alter it, or modify it.
To do so makes the acceptance a counter-offer.
Though this proposition may vary from state to stat.


Can a Party rescind a contract in Malaysia?

Court may require party rescinding to do equity 37.
On adjudging the rescission of a contract, the court may require the party to whom the relief is granted to make any compensation to the other which justice may require. 30 Laws of Malaysia ACT137 .


Capacity to Contract

The general presumption of the law is that all people have a capacity to contract.
A person who is trying to avoid a contract would have to plead his or her lack of capacity to contract against the party who is trying to enforce the contract.
Section 11 of the Contracts Act 1950 provides that “Every person is competent to contract, who is of the ag.



Consideration for a contract may be money or may be another right, interest, or benefit, or it may be a detriment, loss or responsibility given up to someone else.
Consideration is an absolutely necessary element of a contract.
As a word of caution, it should be noted that consideration has to be expressly agreed upon by both parties to the contrac.


How is contract law governed in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, our contract law is basically governed and enforced by the Contract Act 1950.
The remedy of specific performance presupposes the existence of a valid contract between the parties to the controversy.
The terms of the contract must be definite and certain.


Intention to Create Legal Relations

It is a basic requirement to the formation of any contract, be it oral or written, that there has to be a mutual assent or a “meeting of the minds” of the parties on all proposed terms and essential elements of the contract.
It has been held by the courts that there can be no contract unless all the parties involved intended to enter into one.


Is a contract void in Malaysia?

The agreement is void. 32 Laws of Malaysia ACT 136 38. (1) The parties to a contract must either perform, or offer to perform,theirrespectivepromises,unlesstheperformanceisdispensed with or excused under this Act, or of any other law.


Proposal Or Offer

An offer can be oral or written as long as it is not required to be written by law.
It is the definite expression or an overt action which begins the contract.
It is simply what is offered to another for the return of that person’s promise to act.
It cannot be ambiguous or unclear.
It must be spelled out in terms that are specific and certain, such.


What is the Contracts Act 1950?

An Act relating to contracts. 1. (1) This Act may be cited as the *Contracts Act 1950. (2) Nothing herein contained shall affect any written law or any usage or custom of trade, or any incident of any contract, not inconsistent with this Act. 2.


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