Exceptions for minors in contract law

  • Contracts that are tied to food, clothing, and housing cannot be voided by a minor, which means that they would be enforceable against a minor(Stim, n.d.).
    This is because necessities are necessary for everyone, and no exceptions can be created for anyone because of their age.
Exceptions to Creating a Binding Contract with a Minor Any contracts for necessities, such as services and goods that are necessary to the safety and health of minors, can't be voided at will. Examples of necessities include shelter or lodging, clothing, and food.

Can a minor disaffirm a contract?

The most common cases are minor in the sports and entertainment industries.
States like New York and California have passed laws that prevent such minors from disaffirming the contracts.
In some states, some laws require court approval for the contract, which will prevent the minor from disaffirming the terms of the agreement.


Can a minor enter into a contract at will?

If a minor enters into an entertainment or sports contract, this would not be voidable at will.
Any contracts for necessities, such as:

  • services and goods that are necessary to the safety and health of minors
  • can't be voided at will.
    Examples of necessities include:shelter or lodging, clothing, and food.
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    What are the exceptions to contracting with a minor?

    The reason for these exceptions is that most parties would refuse to contract with a minor if all of these contracts could be voided whenever the minor wishes.
    Several factors can be used to determine whether a good or service is necessary, including:

  • the economic status of the minor and the minor's parents.
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    Who is considered a minor in a contract law case?

    Contract law cases involving minors, or anyone 21 years of age (in some states, 18 years old) or younger, can be difficult.3 min read Contract law cases involving minors can be difficult.
    Minors are often considered anyone 21 years of age or younger, though some states put the age of minors at 18 years old.


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