Contract law past papers uol

  • W212 Contract law Open University Course.

Is law of contract compulsory in LLB Part 1?

Law of Contract is compulsory and fourth paper in LL.B part 1 examination.
Here you'll find all year wise past papers of Law of Contract of LL.B Part 1 is gathered here according to needs of the new and old students of LL.B part 1 examination.
Law of Contract gives you understanding about how you .


Law of Contract LL.B Part-I Annual 2007 Paper-Iv

i) Attempt any SIX questions in all, selecting FOUR questions from Part-I, each carries 15 marks and ONE question each from Part-H and Part-III, respectively, each carry 20 marks.


Part-1 Contract Act 1872

Q. 1 Ahmed offered his car for sale to his colleague Zahid through email for Rs 10.00000/- on 1st May 2012. Zahid replied through email on 2nd May. that “he is ready to buy that car for Rs. 9.50000/-“.
When Zahid consulted his family, he was advised that Rs 10,00000/- was a good price for that car.
On that advice, Zahid immediately made a call to A.



All agreements are not contracts but all contracts are agreements.
Discuss the statement explaining the essentials of a valid contract.
Q.2 Define consideration.
When are contracts without consideration valid.
Explain with examples.
Q.3 Define coercion and undue influence and explain their difference with examples Q.4 What agreements are expre.



Q.9 Define contract of Sale and agreement of Sell and distinguish between two.
Q.10 Define condition and warranty.
What are the implied conditions provided under Sale of Goods Act?



Q.11 Can a minor become part of a partnership.
If so, state the law governing his admission to the partnership.
Q. 12 What are the rights and duties of the partners to one another in their mutual relationship as partners of a firm?



Q.11 How Partnership is defined in Partnership Act.
What are its essentials.
Q.12 What are different modes of dissolution of a Partnership?


What is law of contract?

Law of Contract gives you understanding about how you can enter into a contract, what are the requirements for entering into contract and what documents are there to complete a contract these and many other laws are cover in this paper.


What is the purpose of a contract law exam?

Its purpose is to take you through each topic in the syllabus for Contract law in a way which will help you to understand and apply contract law.
It provides an outline of the major issues presented in this subject.
It will also help you prepare to answer the kind of questions the examination paper is likely to contain.


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