Contract without bill of quantities

  • Do I need a JCT contract?

    If you aren't sure what your arrangements are then you need a JCT Contract.
    The best projects are those where a JCT Contract is specified in the tender documents, completed by both parties and the procedures followed throughout the project, without the need to refer to it again..

  • How do you make a bill of quantities?

    How to Prepare A Bill of Quantities in 6 Easy Steps

    1. Item numbers
    2. Description
    3. Unit of measurement
    4. Quantity
    5. Rate for the item
    6. Labor cost
    7. Total cost

  • What BoQ means?

    A bill of quantities (BOQ) is a document created by a quantity surveyor or cost consultant that contains information on the quantity of materials, labour, and their costs in a construction project.
    The Bill of Quantities is an essential part of the tender.
    Without a suitable Bill of Quantities, a tender is incomplete..

  • What is a contract without quantities?

    Contracts 'with quantities' are priced on the basis of drawings and firm bills of quantities. 'Without quantities' means a contract priced on the basis of drawings and usually another document, such as a specification or work schedules..

  • What is contract with quantities?

    This contract can be used with the Framework Agreement (FA).
    For use of both private and public sector projects.
    The employer must provide drawings and bills of quantities to specify the quantity and quality of work.
    The price and payment structure of the contract is based on a lump sum with monthly interim payments..

  • Why is BOQ important in construction?

    The main purpose of a BOQ is to: Standardise the process for tendering contractors to prepare a firm cost to carry out the works.
    Provide a fair and accurate method for tendering contractors to price the project using the same information..

  • Why is BoQ important?

    Why is it important? A BoQ helps contractors produce an accurate and fair tender.
    Having this as a standard document ensures that competing contractors price the items of work on the same basis.
    Thus, reducing the risk of ambiguity through, addendums, omissions or misunderstandings..

  • Conventional contracts are agreements between two parties.
    Usually, these include contract terms relating to an exchange of value.
    In many cases, they represent a legally-binding agreement, although this isn't always the case.
    Traditional oral contracts are verbal or written agreements between two parties.
  • NB: An 'unpriced bill of quantities' (sometimes referred to as the tender pricing document) is the document issued to tenderers, who will then estimate their price for each item.
  • This contract can be used with the Framework Agreement (FA).
    For use of both private and public sector projects.
    The employer must provide drawings and bills of quantities to specify the quantity and quality of work.
    The price and payment structure of the contract is based on a lump sum with monthly interim payments.
'Without quantities' means a contract priced on the basis of drawings and usually another document, such as a specification or work schedules. The contract sum for measurement contracts is not finalised until completion of the project, where it is assessed on remeasurement to a previously agreed basis.
Jan 22, 2021The term 'without quantities' refers to a construction contract or tender documents that do not include specific measured quantities of the  IntroductionContract featuresJCT contracts
The term 'without quantities' refers to a construction contract or tender documents that do not include specific measured quantities of the items of work identified by the drawings and specifications. It can be used on projects where it is not possible to prepare a bill of quantities (BOQ) at the time of tendering.

What Is A Schedule of Works?

A Schedule of Works is a contract document that lists the works required on a project. The Schedule references the requirements included in the sp…

When Should A Schedule of Works Be used?

A Schedule of Works can have different uses through the stages of a project’s development. For example, it will be included in the tender pack for tenderers to pric…

Who Creates them?

Typically, the Quantity Surveyor produces the Bill of Quantities. However, for the Schedule of works the incumbent designer normally prepares them along w…

What Is Best Practice When Making One?

A Schedules of Work can be used for a variety of different construction types, but there are commonly two themes: new work and maintenance work, which c…

When Is A Schedule of Works Not needed?

Dependent on how far the design has progressed on your project and whether the intention is for a design and build route or construction only approach, thi…

Schedule of Works: Developers & Funders

If you are a developer whose project development is dependent on third-party funding, funding is usually provided after you demonstrate that works have be…

Schedule of Works & Bill of Quantities

Bills of quantity are important to define the works required and to have a standard set of measurement criteria with item coverage supporting this measu…


Schedules of Work are a way to transfer the risk of errors in quantifying the work to the supply chain, but conversely it can be difficult to properly assess tend…

Should a contractor prepare a bill of quantity?

Contractors may prepare bills of quantity themselves in order to price the works more accurately before transposing these priced quantities back into the Schedule of Works ‘Item’ format

In such cases, the risk of quantification errors reside solely with the Contractor

What are 'with quantities' and 'without quantities' & 'approximate quantities' in construction contracts?

It is common to come across the phrases 'with quantities', 'without quantities' and 'approximate quantities' in relation to construction contracts

These terms relate to the way that the works have been priced

For example, the JCT Standard Building Contract is published in With Quantities, Without Quantities and Approximate Quantities versions

What is a schedule of works without a bill of Quantities (BOQ)?

In Traditional contracts or in Design and Build (D&B) contracts, when a lumpsum price is the criteria for awarding a contract, a Schedule of Works without the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) would be a preferred option

Normally it is preferred in small projects

What is a traditional contract or D&B Contract or PPP contract?

BoQs may not be created when contracting without Quants or under Design and Build. With these forms of contract, BoQs are discretionary but still advisable in some form or another. When Contracts place responsibility to submit a price or tender based on drawings and specification then there’s no contractual need for a BoQ.

American snake enthusiast

Bill Haast was the owner and operator, from 1947 until 1984, of the Miami Serpentarium, a tourist attraction south of Miami, Florida, where he entertained customers by performing live venom extraction from snakes.
After closing the Serpentarium, he opened the Miami Serpentarium Laboratories, a facility in Punta Gorda, Florida that produced snake venom for medical and research use.
Haast extracted venom from venomous snakes from the time he was a boy.
Contract without bill of quantities
Contract without bill of quantities

American baseball executive

William Louis Veeck Jr., also known as Sport Shirt Bill and Wild Bill was an American Major League Baseball franchise owner and promoter.
Veeck was at various times the owner of the Cleveland Indians, the St.
Louis Browns, and the Chicago White Sox.
As owner and team president of the Indians in 1947, Veeck signed Larry Doby, thus beginning the integration of the American League, and the following year won a World Series title.
Series 21 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 5

Series 21 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 5

Season of television series

Series 21 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 5 January until 29 December 2005.
The series consisted of 106 episodes, making it the series with the highest number of episodes in the show's final decade, tied with series 19.
Joint-longest serving cast member, DC Jim Carver, exited the show after 21 years, having been with the show since its first ever episode; he was the sixth character with over ten years on the series to have exited in the previous three years.
It followed the events of the third Sun Hill station fire.
As was the case in 1990 and 2002, a redevelopment to a large part of the station set was explained by an explosion, racist PCSO Colin Fairfax driving a van into the station reception to shift the blame for a terror attack onto the local Asian community; the fire led to three characters being killed off.
The death of Carver’s best friend in the blaze, DC Ken Drummond, came before the revelation that his estranged wife June Ackland had an affair with experienced PC Roger Valentine.
Ackland, co-protagonist with Carver in the series pilot Woodentop, was involved in a 30-minute special episode that ended with Carver’s exit.
Actor Mark Wingett also featured in spin-off documentary series The Bill: Uncovered, exploring Jim’s time on the show that included addictions to alcohol & gambling and two failed marriages.
The final of four Uncovered documentaries saw Superintendent Adam Okaro narrate on some of the best moments from the show's 21-year history, however the episode did not air in the U.K; instead it aired in Australia a year after its originally planned broadcast.
Series 22 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from

Series 22 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from

Season of television series

Series 22 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 4 January until 28 December 2006.
The series consisted of 91 episodes, as two episodes from the series remain unaired after the master tapes were stolen in a robbery at the show's recording studios in November 2006.
Under new producer Johnathan Young, this series saw the programme begin to step away from the serialised format, and return much of the focus to the actual policing aspect of the programme, removing the more 'soap' feel previously introduced by Paul Marquess.
Most episodes consisted of two parallel stories running at the same time, much like the initial transition to hour-long episodes in 1998.
However, some episodes feature entirely on one story, beginning the move back to single-themed episodes as part of a plan to completely remove serialisation - which did not take place until 2007.
The series also saw a large portion of cast changes in the first few months, with a number of characters previously introduced by Marquess being axed to make way for new blood - many of them support staff and non-police officer characters.
Young believed that several of the characters introduced by Marquess did not have the longevity of the more well-known characters in the show, and thus decided to give a number of highly recommended up-and-coming actors roles on the show, such as Kidulthood star Aml Ameen.


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