Contract law cases in malaysia

  • What is penalty in contract law Malaysia?

    Section 75 of the Contracts Act provides as follows: 'When a contract has been broken, if a sum is named in the contract as the amount to be paid in case of such breach, or if the contract contains any other stipulation by way of penalty, the party complaining of the breach is entitled, whether or not actual damage or .

  • What is the illegality of contract in Malaysia?

    - When the consideration or object of agreement is unlawful - Where parties enter into an agreement wherein the consideration of the agreement or the object of the agreement is unlawful, the agreement is void and the court will not enforce it. - S2(d) of CA , an agreement not enforceable by law is void..

  • A contract breach results from a party failing to meet their obligations or fulfil their duties as stated in a legally binding agreement.
    The other party may take legal action to recover damages or enforce the agreement's terms.
  • Specific Performance means, 'a decree issued by the court that the defendant shall actually perform and carry out the promise that he has made, or the obligation, expressly or impliedly, cast upon him by the conduct between the parties'.
Aug 31, 2021In Malaysia, our contract law is basically governed and enforced by the Contract Act 1950. The remedy of specific performance presupposesĀ 

What is Contracts Act 1950 in Malaysia?

Contracts Act 1950 is common enforcement of the law regulating contractual relationships in Malaysia for the time being

Under the Consumer Protection Act 1999 (Amendment 2010) there are provisions governing unfair contract terms, but the Act is specific only to the consumer, and not the community at large

What is the remedy for misrepresentation in a contract in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, the act of misrepresentation in contract is governed by section 18, Contracts Act 1950, whereas the remedy is provided for under sections 65 and 66, Contracts Act 1950

Based on this provision, the remedy given in cases of misrepresentation is contract rescission

Why is the contract law a problem in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, the inadequacy of the law to restrict unfair terms in the contract leaves room for issues concerning the inequality of bargaining power between the contracting parties

Contracts Act 1950 is common enforcement of the law regulating contractual relationships in Malaysia for the time being


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