Gambia contract law

  • What is the customary law in Gambia?

    Customary law co-exists alongside Islamic law as it is administered to non-Muslims in the area of traditional marriage, divorce, family matters, inheritance, land tenure, tribal and clan leadership..

  • What is the customary law in the Gambia?

    Customary law co-exists alongside Islamic law as it is administered to non-Muslims in the area of traditional marriage, divorce, family matters, inheritance, land tenure, tribal and clan leadership..

  • What is the structure of the court system in the Gambia?

    The court structure in The Gambia operates at two levels: namely, the superior and subordinate courts.
    The superior courts consist of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the High Court..

  • The major sources of the Gambian law are the Constitution, legislation, judicial precedents, decrees, English law, customary law, and Sharia law.

    The Constitution. 4.2.
    Legislation. 4.3.
    Decrees. 4.4.
    English Law. 4.5.
    Customary Law and Sharia Law.
  • Working Hours in Gambia
    Official working hours are now 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Thursday and 08:00 to 12:30 on Friday - making 36-and-a-half hours a week.
law existing in The Gambia, as long as the law is not repugnant to natural justice, equity and good conscience, nor incompatible either directly or by 
Conduct justifying party to treat contract as repudiated for actual or anticipatory breach-Need for breach to go to root of the contract-. Application of the 
Proper application of the label " entire contract" -Contract by parties for domestic and regional air services as one integrated operation-. Improper for Court 

How is the Gambia regulated?

The accounting, legal, and regulatory procedural systems of The Gambia are consistent with international norms

Draft bills or regulations are made available to the public for commenting through public meetings and targeted outreach to stakeholders, such as business associations or other groups

Should you use independent contractor agreements in Gambia?

You should be careful using independent contractor agreements in Gambia so that you don’t run afoul of employment laws

To hire an employee compliantly and offer them mandatory benefits and compliant agreements, you can: (a) Establish your own new legal entity, banking, accounting and payroll service in Gambia; or

Which government policies require the hiring of Nationals in the Gambia?

Several government policies require the hiring of nationals, including The Labor Act of 2007, The Payroll Tax Act of 2008, and the social security act

The Labor Act of 2007 and its regulations provide the legal framework for labor relations in The Gambia

The Ministry of Trade, Regional Integration and Employment enforces the Act


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Contract law is
Contract law is mainly governed by
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Contract law is enforceable
Contract law is defined as
Airline contract law iata
Contract is law between the parties