Contract law masterclass

  • What are the 4 elements of a contract?

    The Nature of a Contract
    To be legally enforceable, an agreement must contain all of the following criteria: An offer and acceptance; Certainty of terms; Consideration; An intention to create legal relations; Capacity of the parties; and, Legality of purpose..

  • What is the classical theory of contract law?

    The classical theory of contract presumes that the agreement consists of an exchange of promises - generally a promise to provide a benefit and a promise to pay for it - which generate obligations in law to provide the benefit and to pay for it..

  • What is the mirror acceptance rule?

    In contract law, the “mirror image rule” is a doctrine stipulating that any acceptance of an offer is deemed to be an to be an unconditional assent to the terms of the offer exactly as it is, without any changes or modifications..

This intensive workshop explores the legal issues and managerial choices associated with commercial contracting. The workshop will address risk, legal framework 
This workshop aims to equip delegates with an in-depth understanding of the legal risks, challenges and opportunities associated with contract formation, managing contractual breach and contract termination.


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