Contract tampering law

  • What is an example of interference with a contract?

    If a third party interferes with a contract or business relationship, it may be tortious interference in a business relationship.
    Some examples of actionable interference may include convincing a shared supplier to renege on a contract or a third party interrupting the sale of property to a business..

  • What is contract tampering?

    Tampering is a term the National Football League uses for the forbidden practice of teams contacting their competitors' respective contracted players to interfere with their relationship or otherwise induce them to seek employment with another squad..

  • What is malicious breach of contract?

    "It has been repeatedly held that, if one maliciously interferes in a contract between two parties, and induces one of them to break that contract to the injury of the other, the party injured can maintain an action against the wrongdoer.".

  • What Are the Remedies for Wrongful or Tortious Interference With Contracts?

    Compensatory damages;Lost profits;Punitive damages;Lost wages;Expectation damages; and.Restitutionary damages in order to prevent unjust enrichment of the defendant.
  • Fresnel and Arago stated the interference laws essentially as follows: 1.
    Two rays of light polarized at right angles do not produce any effect on each other under the same circumstances in which two rays of ordinary light produce destructive interference. 2.
Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally  DescriptionCase lawTypical examplesElements


Tortious interference with contract rights can occur when one party persuades another to breach its contract with a third party (e.g., using blackmail, thr…

Case law

An early—perhaps the earliest—instance of recognition of this tort occurred in Garret v Taylor, 79 Eng. Rep. 485 (K.B. 1620). In that case, the defend…

Typical examples

1. Tortious interference of business – When false claims and accusations are made against a business or an individual's reputation in order …


Although the specific elements required to prove a claim of tortious interference vary from one jurisdiction to another, they typically include the following:


Typical legal damages for tortious interference include economic losses, if they can be proven with certainty, and mental distress. Additionally p…

What is the anti-tampering policy?

For the sports fans out there, this is essentially the business world version of an anti-tampering policy

If contracts aren’t given protection from outside interference, the incentive and certainty of conducting business with a contract are eliminated

Lots of construction work is performed without an official contract in place

What is the difference between tampering and product tampering?

Tampering refers to an act of secretly or improperly altering/falsifying something

Tampering can refer to a variety of forms of sabotage

Product Tampering refers to intentional modification of products after they have been manufactured in order to make it harmful to consumers

Tampering with a jury or witness is a crime

What is tortious interference with a contract?

(March 2018) Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm

×Contract tampering is when someone intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm. In the NBA, tampering rules suggest that teams, players, or coaches cannot approach or lure players on rival teams when they are bound by contracts with their respective teams.,Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm. Tortious interference with a contract occurs when a third party intentionally damages the contractual between two parties. The rationale behind this is to balance two basic ideas. On one hand, there’s a need to promote healthy economic competition. On the other hand, it’s important to protect existing contractual relationships.The NBA Tampering (or anti-tampering) rules suggest that teams, player or coaches cannot approach or lure players on rival teams when they are bound by contracts with their respective teams. This includes publicly stating interest in acquiring the services of the player or by contacting his agent about a possible trade.,There are two types of tortious interference: tortious interference with contract and tortious interference with prospective econ…
Contract tampering law
Contract tampering law

International Test cricket controversy

In 2006, during the fourth day of the fourth Test between England and Pakistan at The Oval, umpires Darrell Hair and Billy Doctrove ruled that the Pakistani team had been involved in ball tampering.
The Pakistani players refused to take the field after the tea break in protest of the decision.
After waiting two more minutes the umpires removed the bails and declared England winners by forfeiture.
This was the first such end to a Test match in more than 1,000 Tests.
The 2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal

The 2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal

Cricket cheating scandal

The 2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal, also known as the Sandpapergate scandal, was a cricket cheating scandal surrounding the Australian national cricket team.
In March 2018, during the third Test match against South Africa at Newlands in Cape Town, Cameron Bancroft was caught by television cameras trying to rough up one side of the ball with sandpaper to make it swing in flight.
Captain Steve Smith and vice-captain David Warner were found to be involved and all three received unprecedented sanctions from Cricket Australia.
Although he was found not to have been directly involved, Australia's coach, Darren Lehmann, announced he would step down from his role following the scandal.
Smith was replaced by Tim Paine as captain in all formats before Aaron Finch took over from Paine in ODIs and T20Is.

Device or process that makes unauthorized access to the protected object easily detected

Tamper-evident describes a device or process that makes unauthorized access to the protected object easily detected.
Seals, markings, or other techniques may be tamper indicating.


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