Contract law wager

  • What is the contract of wager?

    In everyday language, a wager means bet.
    An agreement wherein two parties in which one of the parties agrees to pay money if some unknown event occurs, with the understanding that if the event does not happen, the other party must pay the same amount back, is called an agreement of Wager..

  • A wager is a contract by which two or more parties agree that a certain sum of money or other thing shall be paid or delivered to one of them on the happening of an uncertain event or upon the ascertainment of a fact which is in dispute between them.
  • In everyday language, a wager means bet.
    An agreement wherein two parties in which one of the parties agrees to pay money if some unknown event occurs, with the understanding that if the event does not happen, the other party must pay the same amount back, is called an agreement of Wager.
A wager is illegal at common law. 15 C. 30. All wagering contracts are void by statute and money deposited with stakeholder is recoverable. Id.; 40 C. 336; 49 C 
In everyday language, a wager means bet. An agreement wherein two parties in which one of the parties agrees to pay money if some unknown event occurs, 
In simple terms, a wagering agreement is an agreement in which money or the value of money is paid based on the occurrence or non-occurrence of any potential, 

Essentials of A Valid Contract

1. offer and acceptance, 2. legal intention and relationship of parties,

What Is A Wagering Contract?

When we talk about contracts we come across various types and kinds of contracts such as Quasi-contracts, Implied contracts, Expressed contracts and many …

History of Law Related to The Concept of Wager

Since the primitive times when there were cases in British India, the law that related to the wagers was the common law in England governed it but then in 1848, th…

Types of Wager

I. Moneyline Betting: This type of betting is one of the easiest types of betting. Betting through money line is very simple as it is done only on sports com…

Essentials of A Wagering Contract

1.Equal opportunity: One of the main points in a wagering contract is that there should be an equal chance for both to either win or lose depen…

Can A Wagering Contract Be enforced?

The Effects and Enforceability of a wagering contract can be understood by the concept that under the Indian Contract Act it has been explicitly declared as …

Exceptions to The Wager Agreement

As per the Indian Contract Act Section 30 states that there are also certain exceptions in the wagering agreements and thus the section read as follows: “Thi…


Under Section 30 of the Indian Contract Act, the term Wagerhas not been defined and it does not even define about wager agreement it only says that suc…


1. The Indian Contract Act 2.… 3.

Can a wagering contract be imposed?

A wagering contract may or may not be imposed depending upon the circumstances in the future

Since the primitive times when there were cases in British India, the law that related to the wagers was the common law in England governed it but then in 1848, the Wagers Avoiding Act came into force

What is a wager in Indian Contract Law?

A Wager in the common language means Betting or Gambling

The basic meaning of the term wager is betting

Section 30 of the Indian Contract Act specifically talks about agreements by way of wager, as void

The section read as follows:

What is a wager in law?

A wager is a bet; a contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event

When Are Wagers Allowed by Law? The law does not prohibit all wagers

Agreements by way of wager are not enforceable by law, and hence are considered illegal, However The Indian Contract Act,1872 does not define wager or agreements by way of wager it simply states that agreements by the way of wager are void, and no party can take an action to file a suit for recovery of the waging amount in any form of court, Wagering agreements have characteristics of contingent contract, but cannot be enforced by law under Section 30.
In the Roman litigation system, while the Legis Actiones procedure was in force during the early Republic, both parties had to lay down a wager at the preliminary hearing, probably to discourage frivolous litigation.
In some cases, if the party lost, the wager went to the other party, to compensate him for his inconvenience, rather than to the court to cover costs.
There were three different types of legis actiones, and the wager differed in each one.
Contract law wager
Contract law wager

1741 British naval mutiny

The Wager Mutiny took place in 1741, after the British warship HMS Wager was wrecked on a desolate island off the south coast of present-day Chile.


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