Contract law head of loss

  • What are the 4 types of damages available for breach of contract?

    Compensatory damages (also called “actual damages”) cover the loss the nonbreaching party incurred as a result of the breach of contract.
    The amount awarded is intended to make good or replace the loss caused by the breach..

  • What is actual loss in contract law?

    Compensatory damages (also called “actual damages”) cover the loss the nonbreaching party incurred as a result of the breach of contract.
    The amount awarded is intended to make good or replace the loss caused by the breach..

  • What is actual loss in contract law?

    Related Content.
    The usual measure of damages for breach of contract.
    It refers to the innocent party's loss of a bargain, such as the profits they would have expected to receive had the contract been performed, less the costs they would have incurred to earn that profit..

  • What is expectation loss in contract law?

    It's any type of loss that does not flow naturally from a breach of contract - a consequence either too unlikely to have been thought of or having too tenuous a connection to the nature of the contract to be within the minds of the parties at the time it was signed.Mar 29, 2023.

  • What is loss in contract law?

    Direct loss is the natural result of the breach in the usual course of things.
    Most foreseeable kinds of loss are direct, including financial losses such as loss of profits and loss of business or goodwill..

  • It's any type of loss that does not flow naturally from a breach of contract - a consequence either too unlikely to have been thought of or having too tenuous a connection to the nature of the contract to be within the minds of the parties at the time it was signed.Mar 29, 2023
In contract law or tort law, the term heads of loss or heads of claim refers to categories of damage that a party may incur. It uses the term "head" in its sense of "category"; each head of loss refers to the damages that correspond to a particular category of duty.

Contract law

When used in the context of contracts, "loss" is the equivalent of damages at common law. The measure of such damages can be complex…

See also

• Duty of care• Reliance damages

In contract law or tort law, the term heads of loss or heads of claim refers to categories of damage that a party may incur.
It uses the term head in its sense of category; each head of loss refers to the damages that correspond to a particular category of duty.

Legal term

Loss of consortium is a term used in the law of torts that refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship due to injuries caused by a tortfeasor.
In this context, the word consortium means (the right of) association and fellowship between two married people.
Damages may be claimed under three theories: incurred medical costs or those yet to be incurred by the plaintiff, the loss of an injured spouse's services, and loss of society.


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