Contract of agency in indian contract act

  • How do agency contracts work?

    Agency agreements are legally binding contracts that create a fiduciary relationship between the principal and the agent.
    The agency contract binds the principal to any agreements made by the agent, and gives the agent ability to act on behalf of the principal..

  • What is agency by ratification in Indian Contract Act 1872?

    By ratification: Section 196 of the Indian Contract Act provides that an agency can be created by ratification.
    It says that when an act is done by one person on behalf of another without his knowledge or authority, the person on whose behalf such act is done may ratify the act..

  • What is Section 188 of the Indian contract Act?

    An agent having an authority to do an act has authority to do every lawful thing which is necessary in order to do such act.
    An agent having an authority to carry on a business has authority to do every lawful thing necessary for the purpose, or usually done in the course of conducting such business..

  • What is the agency type of contract?

    An agency contract is a legal agreement between a company and a third-party agent that outlines the terms and conditions of their working relationship.
    It defines the scope of services to be provided, the commission rate, the duration of the contract, and other important details..

  • What is the contract of agency in India?

    Contract of agency is governed under Indian Contract Act, 1872, which explains the legal relationship between the principal and agent.
    In India, the relationship between agent and principal is contractual in nature, and thus it is regulated through the terms and conditions of the contract between them..

  • What is the test of agency in contract law?

    Test of Agency
    Agency exists whenever a person (the agent) can bind another (the principal) by acts done on his/her behalf and to create contractual relations between principal and a third party.
    Where this power does not exist, the relationship is not one of agency..

  • Who is an agency according to the contract Act?

    An agent is bound to conduct the business of his principal according to the directions given by the principal, or, in the absence of any such directions, according to the custom which prevails in doing business of the same kind at the place where the agent conducts such business..

  • By ratification: Section 196 of the Indian Contract Act provides that an agency can be created by ratification.
    It says that when an act is done by one person on behalf of another without his knowledge or authority, the person on whose behalf such act is done may ratify the act.
  • Contract of Agency is based on the fact that one person cannot perform all the transactions and so he can appoint another perform or act on his behalf.
  • Test of Agency
    Agency exists whenever a person (the agent) can bind another (the principal) by acts done on his/her behalf and to create contractual relations between principal and a third party.
    Where this power does not exist, the relationship is not one of agency.
Meaning Of Contract of Agency: Whatever the principal can do by himself, he may get the same done through an agent, except when the act involved is of personal nature e.g. the principal cannot ask his agent to become solvent on his behalf or to marry on his behalf.

Who Is An Agent?

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines an ‘Agent’ in Section 182as a person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealing wit…

Who Is A Principal?

According to Section 182, The person for whom such act is done, or who is so represented, is called the “principal”. Therefore, the person who has delegated hi…

Who Can Appoint An Agent?

According to Section 183, any person who has attained the age of majority and has a sound mind can appoint an agent. In other words, any person capable of co…

Who May Be An Agent?

In the same fashion, according to Section 184, the person who has attained the age of majority and has a sound mind can become an agent. A sound mind and a matu…

Creation of Agency

An agency can be created by: Direct (express) appointment– The standard form of creating an agency is by direct appointment. When a person, in writing or spe…

Types of Agents

1. Special Agent- Agent appointed to do a singular specific act. 2. General Agent- Agent appointed …


Who is a sub-agent? An agent may sometimes delegate the duty that has been delegated to him by the Principal to somebody else. Ordinarily, a…


Contracts establishing a relationship of the agency are very common in business law. These can be express or implied. An agency is created when a per…

What is a contract of agency?

By the contract of agency, a person employee and another person to do any act for him or represent them in some dealing with the third person to bind himself by the acts of such another person

Whatever a person can do personally, we can do through an agent

What is an agent in Indian Contract Act 1872?

Section 182 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 states that “ an “agent” is a person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealings with third person

The person for whom such act is done or who is so represented is called the “principal”

What are the Different Kinds of Agency?

Who is a co-agent under Indian Contract Act?

Co-agent is a person, who is named by the agent with the express or implied authority of the principal

Section 194 of the Indian Contract Act deals with the Appointment of a Co-Agent

It works under the control of the principal and is an agent of the Agent

There is private of contract between the principal and substituted agent

While the contract of agency has been very diligently explained under chapter 10 (section 182-238) of the Indian Contract act, 1872 and by the Hon’ble courts of justice, time and again; A contract of agency, in its essence, is nothing but a fiduciary relationship between two parties where one party (the principal) contracts-with and authorizes (implicitly or explicitly) another person (the agent) to act on his behalf and...

When one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party, the relationship between them is called an agency. Contract of agency under Indian Contract Act can be express or implied.,×Section 182-238A contract of agency is a fiduciary relationship between two parties where one party (the principal) contracts-with and authorizes (implicitly or explicitly) another person (the agent) to act on his behalf and provides him with the capacity to create legal relationships between the principal and third parties. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 explains the contract of agency under chapter 10 (section 182-238). The relationship between the parties is called an agency when one party delegates some authority to another party whereby the latter performs his actions in a more or less independent fashion, on behalf of the first party.
The Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) is an Article I court that was established under the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 as an independent tribunal to hear and decide contract disputes between Government contractors and the General Services Administration (GSA) and other civilian Executive agencies of the United States.

Land in Canada set aside by the Indian Act for First Nations

In Canada, an Indian reserve is defined by the Indian Act as a tract of land, the legal title to which is vested in His Majesty, that has been set apart by His Majesty for the use and benefit of a band. Reserves are areas set aside for First Nations, one of the major groupings of Indigenous peoples in Canada, after a contract with the Canadian state, and are not to be confused with indigenous peoples' claims to ancestral lands under Aboriginal title.
Contract of agency in indian contract act
Contract of agency in indian contract act

1975 U.S. law allowing federal grants to be made directly to recognized native tribes

The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 authorized the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and some other government agencies to enter into contracts with, and make grants directly to, federally recognized Indian tribes.
The tribes would have authority for how they administered the funds, which gave them greater control over their welfare.
The ISDEAA is codified at Title 25, United States Code, beginning at section 5301.


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