Contract law misrepresentation cases

  • How do you prove misrepresentation in contract law?

    If you are bringing a fraudulent misrepresentation claim, you will need to demonstrate the following:

    1. A false representation was made to you;
    2. The person who made the statement either:
    3. The person who made the statement intended that you should rely on it
    4. You relied on the statement

  • What are examples of misrepresentation cases?

    Examples of fraudulent misrepresentation include selling something that is faulty and claiming that it is in good working order or providing falsified or inaccurate documents, such as annual accounts, before entering into a business deal..

  • What is an example of misrepresentation in a contract law case?

    A classic misrepresentation example in contract terms would be telling someone an item is “just like new” when it's really several years old and worn from use.
    Inducing someone to enter into a contract with false claims is called misrepresentation..

  • What is an example of misrepresentation in the contract act?

    Expressly making a misleading statement that a party knows is untruthful is a misrepresentation if it leads the other party to agree to a contract.
    Assume, for example, that a car salesperson in a private transaction misrepresents the car's number of miles..

  • What is the case of misrepresentation of contract?

    If the misrepresentation is discovered, the contract can be declared void.
    Depending on the situation, the adversely impacted party may seek damages.
    In this type of contract dispute, the party that is accused of making the misrepresentation is the defendant, and the party making the claim is the plaintiff..

  • An untrue statement of fact or law made by Party A (or its agent) to Party B, which induces Party B to enter a contract with Party A thereby causing Party B loss.
    An action for misrepresentation can be brought in respect of a misrepresentation of fact or law.
1. FALSE STATEMENT OF FACT. Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] AC 177. The plaintiff purchased from the defendant two blocks of land for the purpose of sheep farming 
A misrepresentation in contract law is a statement of fact that is not true and that persuades someone to enter into a contract. The contract does not have to be in writing, it can be a verbal agreement. The untrue statement can be made by an agent or employee on the part of their principal or employer.
Misrepresentation in a contract – an untrue statement of fact. A misrepresentation is when an untrue statement of fact or law is made by Party A (or its agent) to Party B, which induces Party B to enter a contract with Party A thereby causing Party B loss.

Types of Misrepresentation

Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337 A special Act incorporating a tramway company provided that the carriages might be moved b…


Car & Universal Finance v Caldwell [1965] 1 QB 525 Caldwell sold his car to Norris. The cheque was dishonoured when it was presented the next …


Whittington v Seale-Hayne (1900) 82 LT 49 The plaintiffs bred poultry and were induced to enter into a lease of property belonging to the defe…


Doyle v Olby (Ironmongers) Ltd [1969] 2 QB 158 After buying an ironmonger’s business, things turned out to be very different from what the ven…


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