Contract time legal term

  • How do you write time in a contract?

    Include both the hours and the minutes (not the seconds).
    When writing times, prefer using a colon over a point between hours and minutes.
    Do not add hrs or o'clock: 11:30 h..

  • What is the contract time term?

    A Contract Period is any number of days, as outlined in the contract, that the contract will run for.
    This is also known as Contract Time and is the length of time between the start date and specific end date..

Contract duration is a term used to describe the period through which a contract is effective. This can also be understood as the period between the contract effective date and the contract end date - both of which are typically outlined within a contract and will be agreed to by both parties.
Contract duration is a term used to describe the period through which a contract is effective. This can also be understood as the period between the contract effective date and the contract end date - both of which are typically outlined within a contract and will be agreed to by both parties.
More Definitions of Contract Time Contract Time means the original time between commencement and completion, including any milestone dates thereof, established, as may be amended by Change Order.

AB Initio

A Latin term which means “from the beginning”. You might see a contract referred to as “void ab initio”. This means it was invalid from the start, for example if t…


A contract addendumadds new terms to an existing contract, while still keeping all the original terms in place.


Any type of understanding or arrangement reached between two or more parties, whether in writing or not. An agreement isn’t legally binding though – a …

Alternative Dispute Resolution

A way to resolve a contractual disputewithout going to court e.g. by mediation or arbitration. Some contracts contain a clause saying that if there’s a problem…


Changes to a contractthat are made after it’s signed. These are almost always done in writing, and must be agreed and signed by all parties.


Appendices usually appear at the end of a contract. They don’t change or affect the contract’s terms in any way – they just add extra information about it that …

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow is a process that allows legal teams to let business users work on their own contracts, usually from a template, but with safeguard…


A form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve contract disputes without going to court, using an independent tribunal. Some contracts includ…


Also called “novation”, this is when a party to a contract transfers their rights, obligations, or liabilities to someone else who wasn’t invol…

Authorised Signatory

The authorised signatory is the individual or individuals empowered to sign legally binding contracts on the company's behalf. In early-stag…

What does expiration of time mean in a contract?

A general contract provision that spells out what causes the contract to end (expiration of time or “for cause

” A legal term-of-art reiterating that a certain time, date, or deadline is vital and mandatory under the agreement

The terms of the agreement are so egregious and unfair that it “shocks the conscious

What is a 'for the time being' in a contract?

A Latin term which translates as “for the time being”

A Latin term which means “something for something”

It’s the basis for consideration in a contract, i

e that each party should offer something to the other

A section at the start of a contract before the main text saying who the people signing it are, and their reasons for doing that

×In English law, the term of a contract is its duration or the amount of time that the contract will remain in force. It can be set up in any number of ways. A contract period, also known as contract time, is the number of days between a specific start date and a specific end date, as outlined in a contract. If the duration of a contract is not outlined, parties are unsure of when contract obligations start and finish. To define a period or term where an agreement will be effective, a duration clause is used.,In English law, the term of a contract is its duration: the amount of time that the contract will remain in force. It’s referred to simply as “the term of the contract”. The term of a contract can be set up in any number of ways.A contract period, also known as contract time, is the number of days between a specific start date and a specific end date, as outlined in a contract.The duration of a contract is the period during which the responsibilities and obligations outlined within a contract are effective, meaning that if this isn’t outlined, parties are unsure of when contract obligations start and finish.If you want to define a period, or term, where an agreement will be effective, you need to use a duration clause. In addition to defining the length of a contract, these clauses also describe circumstances for early termination of the effective period.

In English contract law, an innominate term is an intermediate term which cannot be defined as either a condition or a warranty.


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