Contract law honest performance

  • What is the duty of honesty in contract law?

    This includes the obligation that parties must not lie or otherwise knowingly mislead each other about matters directly linked to the performance of the contract.Jan 4, 2021.

  • What is the honest performance of a contract?

    The duty of honest performance requires that the matter at issue be directly linked to the performance of a contract, such as the exercise of a right under the contract or the performance of an obligation under the contract.Jan 12, 2021.

  • What is the performance of a contract law?

    contract law. performance, in law, act of doing that which is required by a contract.
    The effect of successful performance is to discharge the person bound to do the act from any future contractual liability..

  • A specific performance clause is a part of some contracts, agreed to by both parties, to require the contract to be completed even if one party breaches or fails to perform their obligations under the contract.
Jan 12, 2021The duty of honest performance requires that the matter at issue be directly linked to the performance of a contract, such as the exercise of a 
It is appropriate to recognize a new common law duty that applies to all contracts as a manifestation of the general organizing principle of good faith: a duty of honest performance, which requires the parties to be honest with each other in relation to the performance of their contractual obligations.
The duty of honesty in the performance of a contract applies to all contracts and means “simply that parties must not lie or otherwise knowingly mislead each other about matters directly linked to the performance of the contract”.

How did Bhasin breach its duty of honest contractual performance?

The Supreme Court of Canada held that the company breached its duty of honest contractual performance to Bhasin in the period leading up to the non-renewal of the contract

The company had acted dishonestly toward Bhasin, both with respect to its own intentions and with respect to Bhasin’s competitor’s role as auditor

Is honest performance a common law duty?

[ 193] In Bhasin, the Court unanimously introduced the contractual duty of honest performance as a “new common law duty under the broad umbrella of the organizing principle of good faith performance of contracts” (para


What is the duty of honesty in contractual performance?

In a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision, the court clarified the scope of the duty of honesty in contractual performance

While the facts of the case involved a dispute over a maintenance contract, the principles established by the decision apply to all types of contractual relationships

In 2012, a consortium of condominium corporations entered into a two‑year winter maintenance contract and into a separate s…,Rather, it stands as a general doctrine of contract law that imposes as a contractual duty a minimum standard of honest contractual performance. Succinctly put, this duty precludes contracting parties from lying or otherwise knowingly misleading each other about matters directly linked to the performance of the contract.
Contract law honest performance
Contract law honest performance
The duty of honest contractual performance is a contractual duty and implied term of a contract, introduced into Canadian law in 2014 as a result of the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Bhasin v.


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