Contract law postal rule uk

  • In short, the postal acceptance rule deems a contract to be complete and binding at the time the acceptance is posted, rather than at the time the acceptance is actually received.
    The rationale for the rule is thus : the nature of postal communication denotes a separation of parties by time and distance.

What Is Offer and Acceptance?

An offer and acceptance is an integral part of forming a valid contract. An offer is a suggestion of terms with a serious intent to be legally bound by the offer. A…

What Is The Postal Rule?

The postal rule is a series of rules which govern the situations in which an offer and an acceptance is not made in-person. These rules include th…

Why Does It Matter?

It is important to know when you have formed a valid contract. This is because it is the point at which you are legally liable to the other party. This means tha…

Key Takeaways

If you are a business and you are entering into contracts, you will want to be aware of when your contract forms. This is important, because it is when y…

What are the arguments against the postal rule?

One of the main arguments against the postal rule is that it was developed to protect parties who were sending contracts by post from the risk that the offer might be revoked before it was received

In an age where communication is much faster (even instantaneous), the postal rule may be outdated

The case of Re London v

What is a 'postal rule' in contract law?

If you are entering into contracts, or you have found yourself potentially taking a dispute to court, you may come across the term ‘postal rule’

The postal rule is a rule about acceptance within contract law

Being familiar with the postal rule can help you both in preparing for a dispute which may be going to court

What is the postal acceptance rule?

The postal rule is a principle in contract law

It is also known as the postal acceptance rule, the posting rule or the mailbox rule

Over several hundred years, the postal acceptance rule has been the subject of significant legal debate and has been the cause of many contract disputes

A contract is a legally binding agreement

×The postal rule is a rule of contract law that makes an exception to the general rule that an acceptance is only created when communicated directly to the offeror. The postal rule applies when an offer is communicated by a letter sent through the post. The offer is deemed to be accepted the moment the letter is posted by the offeree, even if it never reaches the offeror or is lost in the post. The postal rule is a historical ruling that came about when the main and quickest form of business communication was by post. It does not apply to other forms of communication that are deemed instantaneous, such as phone, fax, or email.,The postal rule is a rule about acceptance within contract law. Being familiar with the postal rule can help you both in preparing for a dispute which may be going to court. Additionally, it can help you in understanding exactly when you have entered into a contract with another party.A rule of contract law that makes an exception to the general rule that an acceptance is only created when communicated directly to the offeror. The postal rule is a historical ruling, which came about in a time where the main and quickest form of business communication was by post. Through the decades other forms of ...The general rule which is sometimes referred to as the postal rule is that when an offer is communicate by a letter sent through the post, the offer is deemed to be accepted the moment the letter is posted by the offeree. This even applies whether or not the letter reached the offeror or the letter is entirely lost in the ...


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