Contract legal word

  • Contract words list

    A condition precedent is a legal term describing a condition or event that must come to pass before a specific contract is considered in effect or any obligations are expected of either party..

  • Contract words list

    An agreement is a promise or commitment given by one party to another party.
    It includes an offer that is made by one person and accepted by the other person.
    In simple words, an agreement happens when an offer is made by one person and accepted by another person.
    It consists of two or more parties..

  • Contract words list

    Legal wording for contracts is the language used to describe the legal obligations agreed upon between the parties partaking in a contract.
    A contract is an oral or written agreement between multiple parties to trade items, services, or ideas of value that is enforceable by a court..

  • What does contract mean legal dictionary?

    1. : a legally binding agreement between two or more parties.
    2: a document stating the terms of a contract..

  • What is terms of contract in law?

    A contract term is any provision or term that forms part of a contract.
    Each of these terms provides a contractual obligation, which can lead to litigation if breached.
    Every contract a business enters will have critical terms that fall into various categories..

  • What is the legal word for agreement?

    The noun accord has the meaning "agreement" or "conformity." It often occurs in legal, business, or political contexts where it is synonymous with treaty and other similar words for formal agreement..

contract. 1) n. an agreement with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration.

What is a contract and how does it work?

A contract creates legal obligations between two or more “parties” (individuals, businesses, institutions, etc) involved in the contract

Contracts are agreements to exchange something of value (usually goods or services) that are enforceable in court

an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. an agreement enforceable by law. the written form of an agreement enforceable by law. the division of law dealing with contracts.


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