Control system examples in business

  • What are the control systems used in business?

    Organizational control systems allow executives to track how well the organization is performing, identify areas of concern, and then take action to address the concerns.
    Three basic types of control systems are available to executives: (1) output control, (2) behavioral control, and (3) clan control..

6 control systems every business should implement
  1. HR.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Sales.
  4. Marketing. Without marketing, your products are dead in the water.
  5. Accounting. No matter the type of corporation you are running, accounting is the lifeblood of your business.
  6. Billing. Billing is an important part of your business.
Jul 19, 20186 control systems every business should implement6. Billing5. Accounting4. Marketing3. Sales2. Customer service1. HR.
Jul 19, 2018Billing is an important part of your business. It partly controls your cash flow. If an invoice goes unpaid, it could ruin your runway and 

Output Control

Stephen Covey said “start with the end in mind.” Output control is one way decision makers put this into practice. focuses on measurable results within an o…

Behavioral Control

Behavioral controls dictate the actions of individuals. Such controls often emphasize rules and procedures. Some behavioral controls found in or…

Clan Control

Rather than measuring results (as in outcome control) or dictating behavior (as in behavioral control), clan control relies on shared traditions, exp…

Management Fads: Out of Control?

The emergence and disappearance of fads appears to be a predictable aspect of modern society. A fad arises when some element of culture…


Bousquet, S. (2005, September 23). For surly license clerks. a pound of charm. St Petersburg Times. Ketchen, D. J., & Short, J. C. (2011). Separating fads fro…

Image Credits

Figure 10.15: Flood, Kyle. “David Letterman Communication and Media Building, Dedication Ceremony.” Public Domain. Retrieved from https://commo…

What are some examples of control system applications?

Examples of control system include temperature measurements of thermometer, refrigerator, washing machine, electric frying pans, household devices with thermoset like iron etc

Elements of a Control System

What are some examples of control systems used in everyday life?

Examples of control system include temperature measurements of thermometer, refrigerator, washing machine, electric frying pans, household devices with thermoset like iron etc

Elements of a Control System

What are the different types of control systems?

The four types of control systems are belief systems, boundary systems, diagnostic systems, and interactive system

The first two of these belief systems and boundaries systems overlap with the two main elements of organizations that we’ve already covered


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