Control systems in an organization

  • How does control help an organization?

    Organizational control has many varied benefits, including improved communication, financial stability, increased productivity and efficiency, help in meeting annual goals, improved morale, legal compliance, improved quality control, and fraud and error prevention..

  • What are the controls in an organization?

    Control in a business setting, or organizational control, involves the processes and procedures that regulate, guide, and protect an organization.
    It is one of the four primary managerial functions, along with planning, organizing, and leading..

  • What are the controls within an Organisation?

    Control activities – Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out.
    They include a range of activities as diverse as approvals, authorizations, verifications, reconciliations, reviews of operating performance, security of assets and segregation of duties..

  • What makes an effective organizational control system?

    Every good controlling system has to be economical when it comes to its implementation and maintenance.
    In other words, its benefits should outweigh its costs.
    An organization must be able to afford it and also derive all possible advantages from it..

  • The control process consists of the following basic elements and steps:

    Establishing goals and standards. Measuring actual performance against goals and standards. Taking corrective action. Following up on corrective action.
  • Some organisations break their levels of control down a little bit differently, but they still cover the main categories.
    In some cases you may see them listed as operations control, financial control, structural control, and strategic control.
    In short, we're attempting to achieve the same high level of functionality.

Output Control

focuses on measurable results within an organization. Examples from the business world include the number of hits a website receives per day, the number of …

Behavioural Control

While output control focuses on results, focuses on controlling the actions that ultimately lead to results. In particular, various rules and procedures are used t…

Clan Control

Instead of measuring results (as in outcome control) or dictating behaviour (as in behavioural control), is an informal type of control. Specifically, clan contro…

Management Fads: Out of Control?

The emergence and disappearance of fads appears to be a predictable aspect of modern society. A fad arises when some element of popular …


Adams, S. (2013, June 5). Every Smoker Costs An Employer $6,000 A Year. Really? Forbes. Retrieved from:…

Image Description

Figure 9.16 image description: Output Controls Outcome controls assess measurable production and other tangible results. Often output controls emphasize “bott…


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