Control systems naics

  • What is the Naics code for control panels?

    NAICS Code 335313 - Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing..

  • What is the Naics code for control systems?

    NAICS Code 335314 - Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing..

  • What is the Naics code for industrial control systems?

    This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing relays, motor starters and controllers, and other industrial controls and control accessories..

  • NAICS 541500 - Computer Systems Design and Related Services is part of: NAICS 541000 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services.
  • SIC Industry: 3822 Automatic Controls for Regulating Residential and Commercial Environments and Appliances NAICS Association.
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing relays, motor starters and controllers, and other industrial controls and 

How do NAICS codes work?

Statistical agencies assign one NAICS code to each establishment based on its primary activity

For example, the Social Security Administration assigns a NAICS code to new businesses based on information provided on their application for an Employer Identification Number

What is a NAICS classification system?


gov/naics Purpose of NAICS NAICS is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the similarity of their production processes

It is a comprehensive system covering all economic activities

Where can I find a NAICS code for a business?

An electronic NAICS search and references are available at www

census gov/naics 4

Who assigns NAICS codes to businesses and how? • There is no central government agency with the role of assigning, monitoring, or approving NAICS codes for establishments

Control systems naics
Control systems naics

Mexican politician

Nayeli Salvatori Bojalil is a Mexican politician affiliated with the National Regeneration Movement (MoReNa).
She is a federal deputy in the LXIV Legislature of the Mexican Congress, representing the tenth federal electoral district of Puebla.
Nay Soe Maung is a Burmese physician and professor who served as Rector of the University of Public Health, Yangon from 2013 to 2017, and as President of the People's Health Foundation.
He is also known as the anti-tobacco control activist in Myanmar.


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