Control system for jet engines

  • How are jet engines controlled?

    The pilot controls aircraft speed by setting the throttle position to a thrust which will permit operation at the desired speed.
    One would like to run the engine directly to the required thrust by modulating engine fuel flow until the required thrust has been achieved..

  • What controls an aircraft engine?

    FADEC is a system consisting of a digital computer, called an electronic engine controller (EEC) or engine control unit (ECU), and its related accessories that control all aspects of aircraft engine performance..

  • What is engine control system in aircraft?

    Aircraft engine controls provide a means for the pilot to control and monitor the operation of the aircraft's powerplant.
    This article describes controls used with a basic internal-combustion engine driving a propeller.
    Some optional or more advanced configurations are described at the end of the article..

  • What is the control system of the aircraft?

    Aircraft flight control systems consist of primary and secondary systems.
    The ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder constitute the primary control system and are required to control an aircraft safely during flight..

  • What is used to control a jet?

    The yoke is the airplane's “steering wheel.” The yoke controls the airplane's ailerons.
    In simplest terms, it allows the pilot to move the airplane “up,” “down,” “over left,” and “over right.”Twisting the yoke side to side controls roll and pitch..

  • FADEC is a system consisting of a digital computer, called an electronic engine controller (EEC) or engine control unit (ECU), and its related accessories that control all aspects of aircraft engine performance.
  • The jet engine's major components are the intake, compressor, combustor, turbine, and exhaust.
    Learn more about it here.
    A jet engine uses air and fuel to produce power to either provide thrust out of the exhaust or drive a shaft connected to a propeller or rotor blades.
  • The yoke is the airplane's “steering wheel.” The yoke controls the airplane's ailerons.
    In simplest terms, it allows the pilot to move the airplane “up,” “down,” “over left,” and “over right.”Twisting the yoke side to side controls roll and pitch.
Many engines in use today are controlled by a hydromechanical controller commonly referred to as an HMU. These are ingenious mechanical computers which implement the desired control strategy in terms of cams and mechanical integrators.
Today all modern aero engines are controlled by Full Authority Digital Electronic control (FADEC) systems, or a combination of electronic and hydromechanical systems.


The goal of any engine control system is to allow the engine to perform at maximum efficiency for a given condition. Originally, engine control systems consis…


True full authority digital engine controls have no form of manual override nor manual controls available, placing full authority over all of the operating param…


• Automatic engine protection against out-of-tolerance operations


• Full authority digital engine controls have no form of manual override available, placing full authority over the operating parameters of the engine in th…


• Engineering processes must be used to design, manufacture, install and maintain the sensors which measure and report flight and engine parameters to the c…

Control system for jet engines
Control system for jet engines

Overview article on aircraft engine starting methods

Many variations of aircraft engine starting have been used since the Wright brothers made their first powered flight in 1903.
The methods used have been designed for weight saving, simplicity of operation and reliability.
Early piston engines were started by hand.
Geared hand starting, electrical and cartridge-operated systems for larger engines were developed between the First and Second World Wars.
The PowerJet SaM146 is a turbofan engine produced by

The PowerJet SaM146 is a turbofan engine produced by

Aircraft Engines

The PowerJet SaM146 is a turbofan engine produced by the PowerJet joint venture between Snecma (Safran) of France and NPO Saturn of Russia.
Developing 68–80 kN (15,000–18,000 lbf) of thrust, the SaM146 is used on the Sukhoi Superjet 100.


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