Version control system git interview questions

  • How to resolve conflicts in git interview questions?

    Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management.
    It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently..

  • How to resolve conflicts in git interview questions?

    To resolve the conflict in git, edit the files to fix the conflicting changes and then add the resolved files by running git add .
    After that, to commit the repaired merge, run git commit .
    Git remembers that you are in the middle of a merge, so it sets the parents of the commit correctly..

  • What is git and GitHub Interview Questions?

    Basic Git Interview Questions

    What is Git? What do you understand by the term 'Version Control System'? What is GitHub? Mention some popular Git hosting services. Different types of version control systems. What benefits come with using GIT? What's the difference between Git and GitHub? What is a Git repository?.

  • What is git and GitHub Interview Questions?

    Basic Questions

    What is the difference between Git and SVN? Git. What is Git? What is a distributed VCS? What is the difference between Git and Github? What are the benefits of using Version Control System? What language is used in Git? Mention the various Git repository hosting functions. What is a commit message?.

  • What is git and GitHub Interview Questions?

    To resolve the conflict in git, edit the files to fix the conflicting changes and then add the resolved files by running git add .
    After that, to commit the repaired merge, run git commit .
    Git remembers that you are in the middle of a merge, so it sets the parents of the commit correctly..

  • What is the use of git in DevOps?

    At first, it was challenging for me to get the hang of it but once I familiarized myself with the dynamics of GIT, my way of going about with GIT became much easier.
    It secures one's mind from all the stress of the code getting destroyed or the project going into shambles..

  • What is the use of git in DevOps?

    Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management.
    It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently..

  • Normally a repository contains a directory named ". git" along with your project files, where git keeps all of its metadata of the repository.
    The content in the ". git" is private to git.
Basic Git Interview Questions
  • What is Git?
  • What do you understand by the term 'Version Control System'?
  • What is GitHub?
  • Mention some popular Git hosting services.
  • Different types of version control systems.
  • What benefits come with using GIT?
  • What's the difference between Git and GitHub?
  • What is a Git repository?
Git Interview Questions
  • What is a version control system (VCS)?
  • What is a git repository?
  • What does git clone do?
  • What does the command git config do?
  • Can you explain head in terms of git and also tell the number of heads that can be present in a repository?
  • What is a conflict?
  • What is the functionality of git ls-tree?

Basic Git Interview Questions

1. What is Git? Gitis a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and is used to help coordinate work among several …

Intermediate Git Interview Questions

17. What does the git push command do? The Git push commandis used to push the content in a local repository to a remote repositor…

Popular Git Interview Questions

70. A simple definition of Git Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very la…

Advanced Git Interview Questions

96. Explain the different points when a merge can enter a conflicted stage. There are two stages when a merge can enter a conflicted sta…

Become A DevOps Expert!

By now you should have an idea of the Git interview questions that could be asked and what possible answers should be given. However, if you wish to bag the j…

Is Git a centralized version control system?

Git is a so-called "distributed" version control system

What's the difference to a "centralized" one? Subversion is an example for a centralized version control system: all team members work towards a single central repository, placed on a remote server

A "checkout" from this central repository will place a "working copy" on the user's machine

What is Git interview question?

Free PDF Download: Git Interview Questions 1) What is GIT? GIT is a distributed version control system and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis to handle small and large projects with speed and efficiency

2) What is a repository in GIT?

What questions do interviewers ask about version control systems?

When interviewers ask this question, they want to assess your experience of working with a version control system

You can respond to the question by listing some of the main benefits of version control systems

You can mention how it can prevent the loss of crucial data

What Are Git Interview Questions?

Git interview questions are a set of questions you can expect in Git interviews. These questions will help you to crack any interview and open many...

What Are the 2 Basic Jobs of Git?

Here are two of Git’s main functions: Monitor and inspect setup and configuration data on the basis of per-site, per-user, and per-repository. Allo...

What Is the Most Important Element in Git?

The Git workflow consists of four important components:Working DirectoryStaging AreaLocal RepositoryRemote Repository


These are some possible interview questions that focus on your previous work experience with Git:

  1. How would you rate your experience level working with Git?
  2. Do you know what distributed VCS is? ...
  3. When was the first time you used Git for a project?
  4. When would it be appropriate to use the SVN tool instead of Git?
  5. What other version control systems have you worked with?
  6. Can you tell me about a time you had to use the SubGit tool?
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