Control systems bootcamp

How do I get to the bootcamp control panel?

when using windows, click the ^ in the right side of the taskbar

Afterwards click on the Bootcamp icon, and choose the Boot Camp Control Panel

Does a User Account Control dialog appear? click Yes

How do I start boot camp on a Mac?

In Windows on your Mac, click in the right side of the taskbar, click the Boot Camp icon , then choose Boot Camp Control Panel

If a User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes

Select the startup disk that has the default operating system you want to use

If you want to start up using the default operating system now, click Restart

What operating system should I use if I use boot camp assistant?

After you use Boot Camp Assistant to install Windows on your Intel-based Mac, you can set the default operating system to either macOS or Windows

The default operating system is the one you want to use when you turn on or restart your Mac


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