Control system logic

  • How do you write control logic?

    Control logic can be modeled using a state diagram, which is a form of hierarchical state machine.
    These state diagrams can also be combined with flow charts to provide a set of computational semantics for describing complex control logic..

  • What are the different types of control logic?

    Control logic open-loop check generally includes system start logic, control command generation logic, trim logic, and operation panel use logic checks..

  • What is control logic in CPU?

    The control logic is the heart of the CPU.
    It's what defines the opcodes the processor recognizes and what happens when it executes each instruction..

  • What is control logic in PLC?

    The actual logic of the control system is established inside the PLC by means of a computer program.
    This program dictates which output gets energized under which input conditions..

  • What is logic in control system?

    Control logic is the part of a controller that defines how a reactive system responds to events or conditional changes.
    Applications for control logic include: Supervising how to switch between different modes of operation.
    Scheduling a sequence of tasks or steps for a system..

  • What is PLC used for?

    A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is an industrial computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, machines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis..

  • Control logic design is the process of determining input and output devices for an automated system and programming control logic (such as ladder diagrams) to orchestrate the components of the automated system in order to produce products that meet a customer's requirements.
  • PLC programs operate in cycles.
    First, the PLC detects the state of all input devices that are connected to it.
    The PLC executes the user-created program, using the state of the inputs to determine the state that the outputs should be changed to.
    The PLC then changes the output signals to each corresponding device.
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is an industrial computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of  Industrial control systemLadder logicRelay logicScada
Control logic is a key part of a software program that controls the operations of the program. The control logic responds to commands from the user, and it also acts on its own to perform automated tasks that have been structured into the program.
The Control Logic Description offers all of the detailed information about the process or processes. If a system (i.e. PPC) handles more than one process, then 

Invention and early development

PLC originated in the late 1960s in the automotive industry in the US and were designed to replace relay logic systems. Before, control logic for manuf…


A PLC is an industrial microprocessor-based controller with programmable memory used to store program instructions and various functi…


Programmable logic controllers are intended to be used by engineers without a programming background. For this reason, a graphical progra…


The main difference from most other computing devices is that PLCs are intended-for and therefore tolerant-of more severe conditions (such as du…

Process of a scan cycle

A PLC works in a program scan cycle, where it executes its program repeatedly. The simplest scan cycle consists of 3 steps:


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