Convex optimization nesterov

  • What is convex and nonconvex optimization?

    Actually, linear programming and nonlinear programming problems are not as general as saying convex and nonconvex optimization problems.
    A convex optimization problem maintains the properties of a linear programming problem and a non convex problem the properties of a non linear programming problem..

  • It is well-known since the pioneering work of Nesterov that the rate of convergence O ( 1 / t 2 ) is optimal for the class of convex functions with Lipschitz gradient.
$49.99 In stockThis book provides a comprehensive, modern introduction to convex optimization, a field that is becoming increasingly important in applied mathematics,  Table of contentsAbout this bookKeywords
It was in the middle of the 1980s, when the seminal paper by Kar markar opened a new epoch in nonlinear optimization. The importance of this paper, containing a new polynomial-time algorithm for linear op timization problems, was not only in its Google BooksOriginally published: 2003Author: Yurii Nesterov

How important is relaxation in convex optimization?

Recall that the Gradient Method forms a relaxation sequence: f(xk+1)≤f(xk)

This fact is crucial for the justification of its convergence rate (Theorem 2

1 14)

However, in Convex Optimization relaxation is not so important

Firstly, for some problem classes, this property is quite expensive

What is the simplest strategy in convex optimization?

Comparing these strategies, we see that the first strategy is the simplest one

It is often used in the context of Convex Optimization

In this framework, the behavior of functionsis much more predictable than in the generalnonlinear case

The second strategy is completely theoretical

When was convex optimization first published?

IntroductoryLectures on Convex Optimization: Basic Course, which was published by Kluwer in 2003

In fact, the main part of this book was writtenin the period1997–1998,so its materialis at least twentyyearsold

For such a lively field as ConvexOptimization, this is indeed a long time

Convex optimization nesterov
Convex optimization nesterov

Russian mathematician

Yurii Nesterov is a Russian mathematician, an internationally recognized expert in convex optimization, especially in the development of efficient algorithms and numerical optimization analysis.
He is currently a professor at the University of Louvain (UCLouvain).


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