Convex optimization and tensors

Nov 21, 2019Abstract. In this paper we develop new tensor methods for unconstrained convex optimization, which solve at each iteration an auxiliary problemĀ 

Can a convex optimization problem recover a minimum-rank solution?

It is shown that if a certain restricted isometry property holds for the linear transformation defining the constraints, the minimum-rank solution can be recovered by solving a convex optimization problem, namely, the minimization of the nuclear norm over the given affine space

Can a convex relaxation technique be used to solve tensor problems?

In the important sparse-vector approximation problem (compressed sensing) and the low-rank matrix recovery problem, using a convex relaxation technique proved to be a valuable solution strategy

Here, we will adapt these techniques to the tensor setting

Is low n-rank tensor recovery a convex problem?

The low-n-rank tensor recovery problem (1) (also its variant (2)) is a difficult non-convex problem

Therefore we will relax it to the following convex problem: Problem setting 3

3 (Low-n-rank tensor pursuit) minimize X jjX(i)jj s t

Key concept in higher-order singular value decomposition of functions

In mathematics, the tensor product (TP) model transformation was proposed by Baranyi and Yam as key concept for higher-order singular value decomposition of functions.
It transforms a function into TP function form if such a transformation is possible.
If an exact transformation is not possible, then the method determines a TP function that is an approximation of the given function.
Hence, the TP model transformation can provide a trade-off between approximation accuracy and complexity.


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