Convex optimization complex variables

  • What is a convex function in complex analysis?

    A convex function is a continuous function whose value at the midpoint of every interval in its domain does not exceed the arithmetic mean of its values at the ends of the interval. (Rudin 1976, p. 101; cf..

  • They do not always have a unique solution, and even when they do, this is not of primary importance.
Feb 4, 2014Optimization over complex variables invokes what is typically called the Wirtinger Calculus (mostly in German references and CR-calculus in in  Objective function of complex variables, with real constraintsMinimizing a function of a complex variableHow to solve the convex optimization problem with complex Relative Phase Constraints in Convex Optimization with Complex More results from
Feb 4, 2014Optimization over complex variables invokes what is typically called the Wirtinger Calculus (mostly in German references and CR-calculus in in  Relative Phase Constraints in Convex Optimization with Complex How to solve the convex optimization problem with complex Optimization over a complex optimization variablewhat's the condition of the complex convex problem?More results from


Convex optimization change of variables
Convex optimal value
Water convex optimization
Convex optimization ways
Convex functions
Convex optimization ml
Convex optimization obstacle avoidance
Convex objective optimization
Convex optimization multi-objective
Convex multi-objective optimization problem
Convex examples
R convex optimization
Convex optimization best textbook
Best convex optimization course
Convex optimization semi definite
Optimal convex decompositions
Non convex optimization gradient descent
Convex optimization feasible point
Non-convex feedback optimization with input and output constraints
Feasibility convex optimization