Kitchen basics assessment 1

  • What helps add liquid stir and serve food?

    Recognizable by its curved handle and deep bowl, a ladle is the best serving spoon for soups, sauces, and other liquid-heavy dishes.
    Ladles often have pouring lips on one side of the bowl, allowing cooks to scoop, pour, and strain liquid ingredients..

  • What is used to stir thick mixtures?

    Wooden Spoons (assorted sizes) – Sturdy spoons for stirring thick dough or batter or for stirring mixtures while they heat.
    Wooden handles stay cool longer than metal handles..

  • Which kitchen equipment is used to level dry or solid ingredients?

    Step 3: When the flour is piled high in the cup, level it off with a spatula or straight-edged knife.
    Using a dry measuring cup instead of a liquid measuring cup allows you to level the top and get the right amount of ingredient into your recipe..

  • Which kitchen tool is meant to protect countertops from damage?

    A trivet is essential to any tablescape, protecting your dining table and countertops from heat damage and water stains..

  • Kitchen mandolines can quickly, cleanly, and uniformly cut firm fruits and vegetables into thin, bite-size strips (julienne), slices, and beyond, and they can even slice firm cheeses.
  • Rubber spatula: Used for mixing, stirring and spreading.
    The flexible end makes it good for scraping the sides of a bowl or dish.
  • Top tips to get the kitchen layout you need
    Getting the heights right, ensuring enough space for comfortable movement, placement of appliances and ease of use are all going to factor in your enjoyment of the room.


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