Corporate governance guideline osfi

  • What are OSFI guidelines?

    OSFI publishes guidelines, which are essentially best or prudent practices, that it expects financial institutions to follow.
    Guidelines are used to set standards to govern industry activities and behaviour..

  • What is OSFI guidelines?

    OSFI publishes guidelines, which are essentially best or prudent practices, that it expects financial institutions to follow.
    Guidelines are used to set standards to govern industry activities and behaviour..

  • Guideline E-13 sets out OSFI's expectations for FRFIs with respect to the management of regulatory compliance risk inherent in FRFIs' business activities enterprise-wide.
    It also elaborates on a number of the key control principles in RCM.
  • OSFI supervises and regulates federally registered banks and insurers, trust and loan companies, cooperative credit associations, and fraternal benefit societies, as well as private pension plans subject to federal oversight, and ensures that they are complying with their governing legislation.
  • The aim is to ensure that risks are understood, managed and, when appropriate, communicated. rather than treating each business unit individually.
    It should be considered good practice to involve the board in both establishing and overseeing the risk management structure.
Jun 28, 2021OSFI's corporate governance expectations are principles-based and recognize that a FRFI's corporate governance practices may depend on its size;  Purpose and Scope of the II. The Board of DirectorsIII. Risk Governance

II. The Board of Directors

The Role of the Board In addition to the roles and responsibilities of the Board outlined in federal legislation, the Board should discharge, at …

III. Risk Governance

General Risk taking is a necessary part of a FRFI’s business. Accordingly, business strategies incorporate decisions regarding the risks th…

IV. The Role of The Audit Committee

Federal legislation requires that each FRFI establish an Audit Committee comprised of non-employee directors, a majority of whom are not “affiliated” with t…

v. Supervision of FRFIs

The Role of Corporate Governance in OSFI’s Supervisory Process Effective corporate governance is an essential element in the s…

Annex A – The Special Nature of Financial Institutions

A number of factors set financial institutions apart from other business firms, and has led them to be subject to generally higher levels of regulation, including: …

Annex B – Risk Appetite Framework

The Risk Appetite Framework should contain a risk appetite statement and risk limits, as well as an outline of the roles and responsibilities of those overse…

Does OSFI have a board of directors?

Branches do not have a Board of Directors and, accordingly, this guideline does not apply to branch operations

OSFI looks to Branch Management to oversee operations in Canada, including matters of corporate governance

Branch Management should refer to Guideline E-4, as appropriate

What is FRFI corporate governance?

It applies to all FRFIs other than the branch operations of foreign banks and foreign insurance companies

1 OSFI's corporate governance expectations are principles-based and recognize that a FRFI's corporate governance practices may depend on its size; ownership structure; nature, scope and complexity of operations; strategy; and risk profile

What is OSFI's new corporate governance guideline?

Today, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) published the final version of its Corporate Governance Guideline

The revised guideline sets out OSFI’s expectations for boards of directors of federally regulated financial institutions


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