Corporate governance king iv report

  • How do you reference the King IV report?

    When quoting any text directly from the King IV Report, the quoted portion must be put in italics and a footnote with the aforesaid reference above must be used.
    IoDSA sees the infringement of its copyright and trade marks in a serious light..

  • What are the 4 pillars of corporate governance that are recommended i the King III report?

    Key aspects of King III
    The philosophy of King III revolves around leadership, sustainability and corporate citizenship.
    Leadership: Good governance is essentially about effective leadership.
    Leadership is characterised by the ethical values of responsibility, accountability, fairness and transparency..

  • What does King IV say about integrated reporting?

    The King IV Code, released on November 1, 2016, emphasizes integrated thinking in a business and again recommends the preparation of an integrated report.
    King IV rests on much of what is in the framework and is likely to spur a renewed focus on integrated thinking..

  • What is King IV Report on corporate governance?

    The King IV Code sets out the philosophy, principles, practices and outcomes which serve as the benchmark for corporate governance in South Africa.
    The King IV Code, which will be launched on 1 November, will replace the previous editions of the King Reports, namely the King III Code..

  • Key aspects of King III
    The philosophy of King III revolves around leadership, sustainability and corporate citizenship.
    Leadership: Good governance is essentially about effective leadership.
    Leadership is characterised by the ethical values of responsibility, accountability, fairness and transparency.
  • When quoting any text directly from the King IV Report, the quoted portion must be put in italics and a footnote with the aforesaid reference above must be used.
    IoDSA sees the infringement of its copyright and trade marks in a serious light.
King IV emphasises the role of the board in risk and opportunity oversight, and recommends that membership of the risk committee should overlap with that of the audit committee for better functioning, and that, if the risk and audit roles are combined in a single committee, the meeting agenda should address audit, risk
King IV™ reinforces the notion that good corporate governance is a holistic and interrelated set of arrangements to be understood and implemented in an 

Can the King IV report be used as a guide for good governance?

Another innovation aimed at making it easier for all organisations to use the King IV Report as a guide for good governance is the inclusion of sector supplements

THE GLOSSARY To obtain maximum benefit from this Report, the Code and the supplements, the user should read Part 1:

Who supports King IV and corporate governance in South Africa?

The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa and the King Committee on Corporate Governance in South Africa acknowledge with appreciation those who support King IV and corporate governance in South Africa through their endorsements

Each endorsement indicates support for the principles as espoused by this Report

×The King IV Report on Corporate Governance is a set of voluntary principles and best international practices that codify corporate governance recommendations. It contains specific recommendations for policies and procedures, and emphasizes the need for the board of directors to govern compliance with applicable laws, codes, and standards in a way that supports the company being ethical and a good corporate citizen. The report is effective for financial years commencing on or after April 1, 2017, and replaces the King III report in its entirety. The report is divided into five sector supplements and emphasizes transparency in the application of corporate governance practices. While the report is voluntary and holds no legal binding, its recommendations are held in high regard and are referenced by the courts in some cases.,The King IV Report on Corporate Governance codifies voluntary principles and best international practices in respect of corporate governance. It contains specific recommendations as regards the need for and use of policies and procedures. As an overarching principle, the board of directors of a company should govern compliance ...The fourth edition of the King Report on Good Governance (King IV™), released late 2016, is the new benchmark for corporate governance in South Africa. Key changes in this fourth edition include fewer principles, clearer differentiation between principles, practices and outcomes, as well as the introduction of specific ...The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa NPCreleased the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™ for South Africa, 2016 (King IV™) on  November 2016. Disclosure on the application of King IV™ is effective in respect of financial years starting on or after 1 April 2017, but the King IV Report™ encourages immediate ...

Judge Mervyn King was one of the speakers presenting on the King IV report which replaces King III and was officially released on 1 November 2016. It is effective for financial years commencing 1 April 2017. The report contains both principles (16 in total, with a 17th principle for institutional investors) and best practices (208 with ...

South African organisations should refer to the principles and recommended practices of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016 (King IV) released in November 2016 by the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA). The effective date of King IV is 1 April 2017. The Report highlights the ...


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