Corporate governance quality and csr disclosures

  • How does corporate governance relate to CSR?

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to strategies that companies put into action as part of corporate governance that are designed to ensure the company's operations are ethical and beneficial for society..

  • What is corporate disclosure in corporate governance?

    Disclosure is the process of making facts or information known to the public.
    Proper disclosure by corporations is the act of making its customers, investors, and any people involved in doing business with the company aware of pertinent information..

  • What is CSR disclosure?

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting refers to a company's systematic disclosure of information on its social performance.
    The term social performance is understood in a broad sense and refers to social, environmental, and governance issues that are typically not covered by financial performance metrics..

  • What is CSR in corporate governance?

    Corporate social responsibility is a business model by which companies make a concerted effort to operate in ways that enhance rather than degrade society and the environment.
    CSR can help improve various aspects of society as well as promote a positive brand image for companies..

  • What is the purpose of corporate social responsibility disclosures within corporate governance?

    Corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) and firm performance.
    CSRD is defined as a firm's communication about its social activities (communities, environment, and employees) to the general public.
    It is possible to make CSRD a mandatory requirement mentioning disseminating information as a legal requirement..

  • Why is disclosure important in corporate governance?

    By disclosing and making transparent corporate governance policies and structures, the company gives stakeholders, the regulators and the public at large a glimpse of how the company operates and the state of its finances.
    This increases public trust in the organization and improves its credibility..

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting refers to a company's systematic disclosure of information on its social performance.
    The term social performance is understood in a broad sense and refers to social, environmental, and governance issues that are typically not covered by financial performance metrics.
  • Corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) and firm performance.
    CSRD is defined as a firm's communication about its social activities (communities, environment, and employees) to the general public.
    It is possible to make CSRD a mandatory requirement mentioning disseminating information as a legal requirement.
  • The findings indicate that board size has a positive impact on financial risk disclosure, whereas board independence has a negative impact.
    However, no significant effects were found for board busyness and board meetings.
    These results were robust across various estimation techniques.
Sep 28, 2013Hypothesis 1. There is a positive association between corporate governance quality and the voluntary provision of CSR information in company 
Sep 28, 2013There is a positive association between corporate governance quality and the voluntary provision of CSR information in company annual reports. 

Stakeholder Theory

Ansoff (1965) used stakeholder theory to define the objectives of the organization, with one of the major objectives being to balance the conflicting deman…

Corporate Governance Quality

To maximize stockholder value, a company’s Board of Directors has to gain an understanding of the environmental and social consequences of the company’…

Hypothesis 1

There is a positive association between corporate governance quality and the voluntary provision of CSR information in company annual reports. In tes…

Firm Size

Aerts and Cormier (2009, p. 10) note that firm size has been shown to be “an antecedent of legitimacy” and there have been several studies suggesting that …

Industry Profile

Prior research suggests that the extent of public pressure companies face with respect to their legitimacy in operating within the boundaries and valu…

Stockholder Power/Dispersion

Due to information asymmetry, as ownership dispersion in a corporation increases conflicts of interest between management and stockholders are more like…

Creditor Power/Leverage

Companies require financial resources for their continuing operations and creditors are an important source of such resources (Pfeffer and Salanci…

Economic Performance

According to stakeholder theory, the economic performance of a company affects management’s decision to disclose CSR information. Theorists who acc…

Are board composition and ownership structure important determinants of CSR disclosure?

Corporate governance mechanisms, particularly board composition and ownership structure, could be important determinants of CSR disclosure

According to prior research, boards of directors can play a relevant role in enhancing the transparency of firms by increasing the voluntary reporting of CSR information

Are corporate social responsibility and corporate governance related?

Given the increasing importance attached to both corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance, this study investigates the association between these two complimentary mechanisms used by companies to enhance relations with stakeholders

Does corporate governance quality increase CSR disclosure?

Our findings support the limited prior research suggesting a link between corporate governance quality and CSR disclosure in company annual reports and suggest that, rather than mandating specific disclosures, regulators might be better served focussing on corporate governance quality as a way of increasing CSR disclosures


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