Corporate governance book pdf in hindi

What is a good corporate governance e-book?

This e-book provides detailed knowledge on the essential elements for corporate governance, practice of good governance and the importance of 4 P’s in achieving the same

It also outlines the detailed corporate governance structure, its impact on various stakeholders and having a strong Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) proposition

What should a corporate governance policy entail?

The framework of such policies should be such as to uphold the principles of transparency, integrity, ethics and honesty

Corporate Governance is the soul of an organization and must be adhered to while indulging in any business practices

Corporate governance book pdf in hindi
Corporate governance book pdf in hindi

2012 book by Arvind Kejriwal

Swaraj is a 2012 book by the Indian social activist-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal, who credits several people with writing it.
Published in several languages, including English, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Marathi and Malayalam, the book questions the existing democratic framework in India and proposes a way how the people of India can achieve true Swaraj (self-rule).


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